Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Sketchy Mexican Ziplining + Inflatable Boat Ride

We decided to do 2 excursions during our stay. One was a "Speed boat ride across the bay, past Los Arcos National park, Jeep ride into the mountains for ZipLining, lunch, Water play and Monkey habitat"

It was super ghetto but SO fun! The boat ride was chilly at first, but it warmed up.  Los Arcos, big rock arches in the water, were very cool. And a family on the boat with us was from Arizona, definitely LDS, and their teenage son was HILARIOUS. He kept yelling things with his 1st year high school Spanish, like "Soy un Pi-ra-te" and "da me tu botin" (not the word for boat) Wow he cracked us up. The boat captain was also pretty funny. And on the way back at the end of the day, the water was choppy and these  drunk ladies with their open beer cans had us all dying with laughter as they got soaked with beer and laughed so hard about it. And Emma fell asleep through it all!

Anyway here's us inside Los Arcos.
Out on the Bay

In the arch-
And here's the kids on the jeep up into the mountains.  It was gorgeous and REAL little Mexican villages- so cool.
The little village where we docked and got on the jeep.  Whitney said it was her favorite place she has ever been!  It was real Mexico and I loved it too!  She said she wanted to live there and talk to people and get to know them, and I was like "that's what you would do on a mission" and she was like "ohhhhh" and a light turned on!
We arrived at the Ziplining place and got outfitted....and I realized this was not going to be like the nice tourist park Ziplining we did in Cancun!  This was less precise and the equipment seemed more ghetto. The guy told me I needed to be a bad mom and not worry about my kids-- so I tried to! Also the minimum age was 6, and Emma was still 4! Almost 5 though, and as big and capable as many 6 year olds we felt like. So we said she was 6 and we thought it would be okay.  But we had no idea if she would get up there and freak out-- we thought we would be riding with her, but they had guys trained to ride with kids and help them.  So, hoping for the best, we suited up and followed the guides up the trail into the jungle!!
And it was amazing!!  We basically zigzagged back and forth over a HUGE canyon, we were so high up!!
Here's Whitney after she just went upside down and let go with both hands!  They had a guy go with her to video, but we didn't buy it. Emma is on the right- she just went for it!!

Maris heading off!  And Kate finishing a run!

Beautiful jungle!
More ziplining photos to come, but here was the kayaking area we played in after lunch. Also we got to see some monkeys they had living there!
We had fun walking around on the rocks, but the water was cold!

Maris and Emma coming into a landing- sometimes they had them go together for more weight.

They were so cute.

And so brave!!  The youngest 2 kids there by far.  Everyone who was nervous was like "if those 2 little girls can do it, I can do it!" I love this pic on the left of Maris getting ready to go and Emma grinning in the background! 
Here's Eric one time I was able to catch a picture of him.
Back to the boat again, for more pictures of Los Arcos.

And this was with Puerto Vallarta in the background.

maris and Emma.
Katelyn, Emma
Owen, Whitney. We did a total of 14 ziplines I think??

And this was amazing- one of the first jumps, and one of the longest, I watched my 4-year-old baby disappearing across a chasm into the jungle-- it was a little freaky!! On the right you can see her orange helmet towards the bottom of the picture.

Favorite picture of the day!
and more swimming pics- me and Emma tried to go down the slide but it wasn't wet! and Kate down in the river
And one more, of Emma asleep on the crazy boat ride back. The funny teenager is on the left haha.
What an exciting day!! We got back to the resort and had an AMAZING meal at the Japanese restaurant there- more on that later!

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