Saturday, August 31, 2013

Owen singing

Here is a medley of several songs I have tried to record Owen singing the last couple of months.  It starts with the 4th of July and ends a couple of weeks ago, so it covers his 17-18 month old speech development.  He gets better every day, using 2-3 word sentences constantly.  My favorite word that he says so clearly right now is "quesadilla" haha.  So here you have I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home, a beach video, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, a video full of random words he says, and then I Love to See the Temple, his favorite song!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

More Hawaii activities

We went to Lahaina for an evening: 
Cheeseburgers in Paradise

Cleo eating a lemon- hilarious!

waiting to get shaved ice, and Whitney's clutching her new ukelele

The Luau!

watching the awesome show

enjoying some yummy drinks!

And our little family and Mary also went to the Aquarium- Owen loved all the fish and creatures!
jellyfish are my favorite
At the outside "touch a sea creature" area!  Owen just wanted to jump in!
touching a starfish

watching sharks
and getting eaten by a shark!
Also one of my favorite things was our Family Trivia Game Night!
Owen and Cleo eating their treat
Grandpa's team- Kjarom, Kurtis, Brad and Whitney
Eric's team- Cortnee, Eric, Elizabeth and Owen

I was the question reader!
Grandma's team- Ryan, Cleo, Katelyn and Mary
Whitney thinking hard to try to answer a question.

The little cutes.


and Owen playing with Grandpa- Owen would stomp on his foot and he would say "ouch!" and Owen would run away laughing, only to come back a minute later and do it again. So cute.

Monday, August 26, 2013


One morning I convinced my little family to go down to the beach pretty early- at like 7- to check out a tidepool area I had seen while running.  It turned out super cool, although I think Eric and I were more interested in the small, motionless creatures than the kids were haha. :)
Whitney had set down her customary walk-down-to-the-beach-hairflower on these cool rocks, so I had to capture it's beauty.  Unfortunately in ALL these pictures I had forgotten to change my camera to macro mode so none of them are crisp. :(
some kind of little muscle-y shell creatures that cling on tighter if you poke them.
Owen had picked up a flower too. :)
more creatures on a cool pink hollowed-out area on top of a black rock.
Kate enjoyed wading through the surf, here she is on a high spot.
me and Owen's feet
All of our feet!
Little cute-face.
circles on the top and bottom were little jelly creatures that suck up into a tighter oval if you poke them (softly)!
His little footprints
Whit and her name

And of course, Eric found a crab!  It is in the crack up top in the shade.
so naturally he had to catch it for the kids to see, and call it his pet and name it Pinchy, 
all to make them giggle.
Owen's reaction to Pinchy
after a few minutes we set Pinchy free!  He quickly dug his way back into the sand.  We still talk about him sometimes- "I wonder what Pinchy's doing today?" or Eric will talk about how he misses Pinchy to make the girls laugh. :)
another cool creature we found
I loved these purple many-legged guys!
THis is one of the circle creatures I showed earlier while it's curling up- they are covered with tiny shells on the bottom!  leeches?  skeletons of tiny things it has eaten?

a purple thing and a sea urchin!
I just loved seeing these things in the "wild". :)