Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PJ pants

I love to sew.  But my repertoire only includes my own creations- stockings, scripture bags, t-shirt quilts, happy birthday signs, etc.  The last time I sewed something from a pattern was when I was ten. My mom gave me a pajama pattern for my birthday a YEAR and a half ago, and I finally decided to get over my fear of patterns and make me and my girls some matching PJ capri pants.  It has been so fun, and even though I've made many blunders, I've discovered that sewing with a pattern isn't that different from making up your own stuff.  At least for me, it still involves a lot of creativity and problem solving!  So here they are, Whitney's are the far right, and yes Katelyn's ended up more like bermuda shorts. And yes Katelyn and Whitney's waists are about the same around.  :)
I'll get a picture of us wearing them when it gets warm again, and when my girls get better.  They are sick and not in picture-taking mood. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

more points for IKEA

I've been meaning to post this for a while.  We finally made it up to IKEA a couple of weeks ago to buy plastic silverware for Katelyn, and we were shocked and amazed and joyful about the low price and high quality.  These forks are the best "kid" forks we have found.  Katelyn is actually using her fork now at meals since she finally has one that actually spears things!  So we ended up buying dishes too, and we got 6, yes six, sets like this one for a total of 8 DOLLARS.  I definitely recommend running out to the nearest IKEA immediately and getting yourself some of these.

PS  this picture was taken on the floor because that's where these dishes can most often be found.  Whitney discovered our only non-child locked cupboard (the "kid cupboard") a couple of weeks ago, and she just loves to pull out all the new rainbow-colored dishes and strew them about the kitchen.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Great Dalmuti Lives!!

So I had a Girls Night Out at my house last night, a game night with a few friends, so fun!!  After playing a few hilarious games, we ended the night with my favorite game of all time, 

It was a hit!  And boy did it bring back the memories of playing with crazy fun people!  I found myself saying things like "a card laid is a card played" and "keep it real", and I even ended up getting tackled and water poured on me by my friend Crystal for purposely playing my low cards so she couldn't go out with her one 8 left... when we were both peons...anyway good times.  LOVE that game.  So here's a shoutout to Dalmuti fans everywhere!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Here she is in all her stair-climbing glory.  She's only fallen once.  
In other news, Katelyn has started saying "like" and "kay" as in "Gordon(a train)'s birthday is like, June and a half."  and (to me) "we're not going to go in Lightning's room while he's sleeping, 'kay?"  I have no idea where she's getting these from!

Trying to get the girls to hold still and look and smile for a picture in their new sweet dresses my grandma made them

I am a terrible photographer.  I didn't even get the whole dresses in the picture.  Come on Rebecca.  Sorry Grandmom, we'll try again!

St Patricks

What a fun holiday that I've never done anything special for before!  Except the obligatory green clothes.  Wouldn't want to get pinched.  Anyway I decided to do some fun things for Katelyn and it was SO cute and she loved it and we'll do them again for sure.  

Here are her green eggs (and she said we HAD to have ham too) (and that's cheese on them)
Green shamrock muffins 
And the best, Eric helped me make leprechan tracks the night before, leading to a big rainbow down in the toy room with a little pot of gold (Reese's) at the end!  She wanted to "do it again" and made me put the gold back several times so she could follow the tracks again, over and under banana chairs in the family room and all.  She even woke up before Eric left so he got to see it too.  
In addition to the morning's excitement, we had tons of fun running and playing outside in the 60 DEGREE weather!!  and even had a picnic dinner in Provo with our good and old friends the Thevenins,  the weather right now is amazing!!!  We also went with them to some cool exhibits at the Museum of Art at BYU, good times.  It was funny though, Eric was carrying Katelyn as we enterred the second exhibit and she whispered to him "let's get out of here" :)  
Possibly my most fun St. Patrick's Day ever.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Yesterday Whitney learned how to climb the stairs!  So cute, and scary.  
Oh and FYI, if you had a stadium full of 10,000 babies Whitney's age, only 32 would have bigger heads than her, according to the stats we got from the doctor. :)   She's fine, it's just funny.  And hard to dress her.  :)  Go Hansen big head!