Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Winter Fun

Here's what we've been up to this month, plus numerous Christmas countdowns, illnesses, delicious treat making, and present wrapping. Oh and non-stop Christmas music.

Eric's playing city league basketball, and we finally went to a game because there was finally one at 6:30 instead of 8:30. My camera stinks.
When he was out for a minute, the girls just had to go squeeze next to him on the bench. They loved cheering for him, Katelyn would even groan and slap her leg when they missed a shot. She also cheered when the other team scored. And shouted loudly several times "Go Eric!" Everyone thought she was so funny. I loved watching him play too, I haven't gotten to see him play organized sports much. He's cute when he's all athletic. :) We're looking forward to a few more games after Christmas.
The girls with their current favorite fruit. Whitney especially loves to peel these clementines. Oh and these are my third and final skirts that I made for the girls. I got all the sewing out of my system for a while. :)
We got a foot and a half of snow a couple of weeks ago, and a few days later it was finally warm enough to go outside and play (28* and sunny).
We made this sweet ramp to sled down off the deck! Perfect size for timid little girls. :)
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Something I learned today

FYI: If you try cleaning your windows INSIDE your house when it's only 6 degrees outside, the Windex will freeze before you have time to wipe it off. :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


So my little brother Derek's best friend Landon Gugliemana died in a car crash a few days ago. He fell asleep at the wheel driving back to school from Thanksgiving Break. He was a great, Christian kid, I only met him once or twice but I have heard about him constantly from my family for the last 6 years. Derek's in the MTC right now preparing to serve a mission in Denver, so he isn't going to the funeral, it's so sad. But he wrote a letter for one of my other brothers to read at the funeral. So I'm just sad for my brother and my family and Landon's family, and proud of Derek for the testimony he has. He said in a letter to my family that he loved Landon and will miss him for the rest of his life, but he knows he will see him again and he's excited for that day when he returns home to his Heavenly Father and Landon will be there waiting for him.

So I've just been thinking a lot lately about how grateful I am for all my family and friends, and also how grateful I am to KNOW that death is not the end! Our spirits live on and we will be resurrected! There is a heaven and a life after this one. I am so glad that Derek and the rest of my family, and Landon's family know this.

Also Eric and I talked about never driving after midnight again! We go to California all the time and we just need to be careful, even if the weather is good. Landon was only 30 minutes from his school when he crashed, he probably just thought he could make it, he was wearing his seat belt and everything, and the girl with him in the car was fine, but he died. And it could happen to us. So please everyone I love be careful as you travel for the holidays this year. I promise we will be too.