Sunday, May 22, 2011

our bird friends

We have been on quite the exciting journey the last few weeks!
Fro the second time since we moved here we were privileged to have a family of birds right outside our front window. We spent literally HOURS staring out at the little bird babies as they were fed and cared for by their parents, talking about them and speculating about their feelings. We learned a lot about not only robins, but love, growing, and life.
And we took pictures to document it all. :)

Side note: these pictures were all taken either from inside our front window (the grainy ones) or when the parents were away from the nest. They were extremely protective of their babies and would not even feed them if they noticed us watching outside the window. And if you got too close to the nest, the mother would swoop down and attack you!

Anyway, here are the pretty blue eggs. We watched the parents make the nest, and then the mother sat on it for about 10 days we think.
And here are the birds on the day they hatched! All of a sudden the parents were perched on the side of the nest and kept picking stuff out, so we knew something was going on! aren't they cute, the little fuzzballs!
The mother brought them food and then noticed us watching, so here she is sitting on them with the food in her mouth.
3 days old
6 days old and so weird looking!
7 days old, they grew so fast!!
8 days old and starting to grow more feathers. About this time we saw something really cool. There was a big rainstorm, and the mother kind of crouched over the nest with her wings spread to keep her babies dry. It wasn't like other times when she sat on the nest- the babies were too big for her to really sit in the nest and cover them with her body. So for who knows how long, she sat in what seemed to be an uncomfortable position with her wings slightly spread to protect her little birds. The things we mothers do for our children!
asking for food, and the mother giving us her evil glare
The mother trying to sit on the nest still, but the babies were getting too big and kept trying to push her off it seemed like! Does this ever happen with our children?? :)
12 days old and filling up the nest!
they were being fed constantly at this point! luckily we had a lot of rain so there was an abundant worm supply!
Learning to fluff those new-feathery wings! It was funny, there was one bird who always tried to sit on top of the others. A lot of the time we could only see two little birds in the nest, so one was being pushed down! More on that little runty one later.
13 days old
15 days old- just chillin' waiting for mom to bring some food. what a life!
And then at 18 days old, we looked out the window and there was only one left! We think this was the runty one, who hadn't been peeking out of the nest as much and was afraid to fly off with it's siblings. He kept stretching his legs and fluttering his wings, but he didn't leave!
We watched him for over an hour, as he hopped to the other side of the nest ad turned around, and as his mother kept bringing him worms still. He was her last baby left so he finally got spoiled!
And then suddenly he made the dive! He tried to spread his wings, but he went right to the ground! And then it was so cool, right away the mom and dad birds swooped down to the low branches of the tree and called encouragement to him. I got this picture of him hopping around on the lawn. By later that day we saw him with the parents flying up to the top of the fence, and just today we saw him flying up into our tree. We haven't seen the other two babies, that we know of. Maybe this little runt is just sticking around here with his parents for a while. Cute!
And there you have the story of our birds. They have made spring extra fun!

Friday, May 20, 2011

"little" Whitney is 3!!

Whitney is so big! This is her night-before-her-birthday cake. (we wanted to go out on her birthday, so we did the cake beforehand. This is kind of becoming a tradition...) She decided she wanted BUG stuff for her birthday, so thank you to my Hello Cupcake book, we made some amazing bugs.
And after she blew out the candles I took them out of the cake and she reached for one and took a bite! I guess I forgot to remind her that you don't eat the candles! Here she is spitting them out!
Her birthday morning- she opened most of her presents right away. She hugged her Dora flashlight from Grandma,
jumped around when she opened "Tangled" (and so did I, I had been dying to see that movie again, I love it!)
and spent a lot of time playing with her new Dora brush and blow dryer. She got a ton of really fun presents!
I made cupcakes for her bug-themed "party"- aka everyone meet us at the park and bring your own lunch. The bugs worked better than I thought they would, and the party was fun.
Everyone sang to her and she was happy. FYI she looks chubby because she is wearing 3 shirts. :)
We went to play at this particular park because it has big bug play things to go with her theme. This is Whitney and her good friend Ellaina.
This was the best- for days before her birthday Whitney had been telling us she wanted rocks and sticks for her birthday! So I put on the invites "if you want to bring her a present, pick a rock or stick from your yard to give her." so when the other kids were giving her sticks and rocks she was a little confused! This is her face when she opened a present from her friend- with a big rock in it! She was like "what?!" but then she laughed and liked it because it was painted.
That evening we went to McDonalds (because of the playplace) and Cafe Rio for dinner, and the girls were thrilled with their happy meal toys.

Then we went to the dollar movies to see Gnomeo and Juliet. It was a little funny, alright movie. And as you can see it was in 3D!
so cute.
Whitney had a great birthday! And also, here are our tulips in all their glory. In the front flower garden:
And the new ones by the front window. They grew to be HUGE! And beautiful. They are one of my favorite things about our house.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Silly Things of late...

Just a few silly pictures. First: playing chase with Dad.
"catching" him!
A couple of sillies from our resident silly-head Whitney:
Insisting on wearing six shirts at once!
and being a Whitney potato head (with our santa potato head's beard)
- I love the look Katelyn's giving her!
This one doesn't count as silly, it was really cool. Katelyn's end-of-the year music class recital. She sang, played her tone bells (like a xylophone), and played the autoharp. It was very cute and I can't wait for her to play the piano next year! Her tone and rhythm have improved a ton this year, and she has learned basic music-reading and harmony skills. It's been a great class. Here she is singing "Doe, a deer" and doing the solfleg hand signs.
At the end she was forcing the kids in her class, Quentin and Adalee, to hold her hand while they waited for their certificates. It was hilarious.

Easter Sunday

These were the best pictures I could get of the girls in their beautiful Easter dresses!

Easter Sunday was really special this year. All week we had been reading the story of the last week of the Savior's life from the scriptures, and then Sunday morning we read about the Resurrection with my family. Katrina and Phillip had spent the night too. When we were reading Katelyn and Whitney were really quiet and good and it felt good to all read the scriptures together. Then everyone came to our church meetings with us, and the speakers and music in sacrament were great. Then I was in charge of sharing time and my Dad and Donny and my friend Melanie helped me tell the story of the Resurrection by dressing up as Mary Magdalene, Peter, and Andrew and each giving their witness of the Resurrection of Christ. I dressed as a Nephite and told my story too, and I was way more emotional than I thought I'd be! And then we all sang together "I know that My Redeemer Lives". All the kids in Primary were SO quiet and reverent and paying attention, I was so happy that they could learn and feel the true spirit of Easter. It was cool to do that with my Dad and brother too.
It was a good Easter Sunday!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hansen family visit

My whole family almost was here for a few days around Easter! Katrina graduated from BYU, we had a baby shower for her (which was SO fun and I'm mad we didn't take any pictures, at least a sister picture!) and my cousin also got married. Not to mention Easter! It was a fun weekend. Here's Whitney having fun with Jenae.
We got to dye eggs together.

Whitney and Katelyn with their baskets on Easter Bunny Day.
It was fun having cousins and aunts and an uncle and grandparents there.
Whitney was very excited about her Nerds!!
We hunted for eggs
Katelyn with her temple egg!
That afternoon we all hiked the Y (except Allison who left to be home for Easter)- it started out raining lightly and changed to snow once we got up high enough! It wasn't too bad though, and probably better than hiking it when it's hot! Katelyn did it all by herself except a 2-minute ride from Eric, she was awesome! And she ran the whole way down. I carried Whitney most of the way, which was a great workout! And I was proud of my mom for making it up there!
Silly Melissa and Jenae, my Dad and Donny. They keep us laughing! Our cousins came with us too.
An Easter Sunday post will come soon. :)