Saturday, March 30, 2024

Hansen Family Pics, the 3 youngest.

Owen does not like taking pictures haha.
Emma wanted to take a picture by the yellow flowers. In her yellow shirt and headband.
Cutie Maris.
Love that gap-toothed smile.
I got Owen to laugh for these!
Aww, so sweet.  Maris loves the forest!

Pretty happy about these. 

Hansen Family Pics AKA I am the location finding master!!

 We took family pictures, and I wanted to take our own as well.  While we had a real photographer there.  So after the big picture, I went scouting around for a pretty spot that had decent lighting at the time.  

Whitney wanted to take pictures of me and Eric :)

He's pretty great. He didn't even make any weird faces in the picture haha.
Then I found this dreamy spot, and Got some cute ones of Katelyn

And about a million of Whitney haha. She looks great!

Those flowers though!  What a gorgeous, unreal little meadow.
Awe sisters!!
More of Katelyn
My beautiful children. We took a great family picture right here too, among the flowers while the area was still in the shade. And Alison and Katrina both took their family picture in the same spot. :)
Eric took these of the sibling and parent picture, and the grandkid picture.
Very cute bunch.


In July we got to go to the Saratoga Springs Temple Open House.  It was beautiful, but stressful. Some people just wanted to get home.  Other people were being stingy about going out to eat.  So I just hope the kids could feel some peace in the temple. Also, check out how much snow was still on the mountains???? And this was during Owen's middle part phase LOL.

Then on the way to Idaho for the Hansen Reunion, we went to the new Pocatello temple for the girls to do baptisms. Here they are, and the kids in the back doing a 3-way headphone setup.
Yay for sunny 9pm car rides in Idaho!  And the hilarious bunkbed at our airbnb!

Each kid in front of the Rexburg temple- we went there too, the next morning! This was while Kate, Whitney and Eric were inside.

Love these cuties.

Unending twinner cuteness!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Tournaments and more

This summer Maris' team did a little indoor tournament. It was cute, they played well.  And one of the dads has a printing company, so he made them these super cute pink jerseys for cheap.

Whitney had a tournament in West Jordan. Here's the kids playing on a park during a warmup, and Emma entertaining herself in the car.
Unfortunately, in the first game, Whitney hurt her knee.  She swears it has nothing to do with the Narrows, but I think her knee was weakened from the hike the weekend before, and therefore easier to strain on a goal kick!  The next morning we had an amazing miracle experience with a saint PT in town.  He got her in right away, evaluated and taped her for free and gave her some exercises to do, and we got to the next game on time. We gave him a great review on Google!
Anyway, I took this picture of a very strange bench we had at one point in the game!  These 4 are usually starters- actually they rarely leave the field!  To have them all out at the same time?? unthinkable. But Ruby had a hurt hip and was on restricted minutes.  Ashelyn had an ingrown toenail.  Whit had her knee, and Camille's back was hurt. 
Maybe needless to say, we lost the semifinal. :(
But here's Whitney playing with her cool taped up knee!
Some other happenings:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Owen still wants to play with his sisters. Here they are making a whole Duplo village one day.
And Emma lost her second tooth while eating a corndog!  

Just some pretty sunset pictures:

And we went to the Pond with all the Murray cousins- I forgot to include these on the Cousin Fun post.  Emma still doesn't want to go deep, so here she is in front of the full paddleboard of Owen, Xavier, Vivian, Cleo, Jayda and Maris :) I think Whitney was there on shore playing with the littles, and Katelyn was working or at Shakespeare.

Another one with Owen and Naomi on paddleboards beside them. So fun!