Tuesday, February 20, 2018


This year kind of at the last minute I asked Katrina if we could crash her house for Thanksgiving, IF we stayed in a hotel.  So Allison and I did the coolest thing ever and rented a cabin for our two families to stay in!  It was SO AWESOME.

I took these pictures of our thankful tree, it was pretty classic and awesome.  This was my favorite one though; Owen wrote "candeiy" haha.  When in doubt, throw all the vowels in there!

just a cute picture of EMma.  We were doing a lot of co-sleeping around Thanksgiving!  But then in December when she learned how to crawl, she refused to sleep with me anymore!  Which was also fine. :)
Thanksgiving dinner at the Cravens!
After dinner walk
the boys playing Risk at the cabin
Awesome hike "the vortex"

"cairn city"
jumping on the trampoline at the cabin
cousin time for the babies- Emma and Justin
all the kids on the cabin porch
Er.ic captured this funny pic
brave kids made it to the top of the hike.
Hazel LOVES Owen.

Owen, Lydia and Jenna, the three amigos
Uncles Kent and Jonathan and Eric playing against Whit, Caleb and Natalie

It was a great vacation.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Fall Accomplishments and beautiful things

At the end of the summer Eric finished the little half-bath downstairs, woot! He did a great job!
I love running with my kids!

Owen riding his bike
Early morning moon over the fields!

I can't get enough of beautiful sunrises while running!

And beautiful fall colors on the mountains

Haunted Half!  Well that was fun. So glad I did it. But I'm not gonna lie, I'm really happy it's over! Training for a half with a baby that doesn't sleep through the night is no joke. I'm pretty excited to give up my early-morning runs until spring! #HauntedHalf #hermione4life

Katelyn has become quite the babysitter!  She made this menu up for Owen and Maris when she was going to watch them one night. So cute.

It is so fun to all play with Emma!
Katelyn and Owen, little pals playing out in the dirt together.
Eric busted out the other half of the bathroom in good time.  Here is my post about it.
Done!! Eric is amazing, and he swears he'll never do tile again haha. I also love the bubble lights, and the gray pocket door and the square shower fixtures. Whitney took her first shower in there and said she felt like she was "someplace really nice".😂 I've been doing my hair down there and it does have a spa-like feel, so fun!! #subwaytile #hairdoingspace #4daughters#handyhusband #diysuccess

Owen wrote a book/play and taped it up on his closet door with maris.  It was so cute to see his little spelling for the first time! 
In November we had several of the most gorgeous sunrises I have ever seen!  Me and Whitney and Maris enjoyed them at breakfast time several times.
It was literally the whole sky, as I tried to show in this panorama.

And lastly, we went to a BYU football game!!  Well, these 5 of us did.  We left at home the 2 who don't care about football haha.  It was really fun even though our team is abysmally bad this year.  We bleed blue forever!!