Friday, April 28, 2017

Whit Rocks

Whitney totally rocked her first year of city basketball league- real games not just developmental.  Eric was her coach, we had a couple of cute girls from our ward on the team, one of them's dad played for BYU and is our friend so he helped at a couple of practices, and it was way fun.
It was so great to watch Whitney improve.  She ended up being her team's leading scorer, and her high was 16 points in a game.  She was an ANIMAL on defense, so fun to watch!!  At one point in the season I started to wonder if she was going to be better at basketball than soccer!  (Now that we're back in soccer, I'm sure that's her thing again haha.)  It was good times and she worked really hard.
 She's #4, taking the ball down the court.
 In the middle, playing her heart out!

 Sweet defense.
 Pretty sure she made this shot.
 In other news, she dressed up as a pioneer for "Favorite book character day".  And she works SO hard on her Spanish and math homework every day with zero reminding from me.  I am so proud of her!
 Also I had great fun timing all the kids for Hershey Track this year-- especially when my Whitney ended up being the fastest girl in the whole 3rd grade in the 100 meters!! (Her class is on this page, and there are 4 other 3rd grade classes!)
 Also, Spoiler Alert, Emma is born!!!!  And Whitney is AMAZING with babies.  Such a natural.  She is loving having a new baby sister, and helps me a ton with her.
Basically, Whitney is rockin' in so many areas.  She is not perfect, but she is awesome.

Oh and another quick thing- she gave a talk in Primary a week after Emma was born, it was really good.  She talked about the Plan of Salvation, how this life is a test.  She read a great scripture and quote from an apostle, and talked about Emma.  She said "When I hold her I can feel the Holy Ghost like a fire." So sweet.  And she said "we all want to get 100% on this test".  Classic awesome Whitney.