Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Murray Day

I have no pictures of this happy event, but it was fun.  Just wanted to record the Murray awards for this year:
Katelyn- the Mathematician Murray!  She has learned how to do math this year for the first time!  She's really good at it and thinks it's fun.  She loves to make up math problems for her self and do them.  She recently learned to count money and tell time.
Whitney- the Movin' Murray!  She loves to dance, dance, and dance!  But also, she is really always moving- standing on her chair and bouncing while she eats, doing crazy acrobatic tricks on the couches or hanging off the counter or railing or door handles.  We need to get her in gymnastics!  She is our little intense energetic child!
Owen- the Mischievous Murray!  He is so much more curious and trouble-making than his sisters were at his age- watch out!  He's so cute and excited to try new things, and find new things to meddle with!  Cutie.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Owen the Stairmaster

Owen can now go safely down the stairs, if we turn him around at the top to go down backwards!  And he's even starting to do that on his own.  I feel justified in never buying a stair gate...

Suit coat

Oh hello there Mr. Missionary!  What are you doing crawling on the floor?
 Oh that's a little better I guess...
 Oh wait you can't even walk yet?  You're not old enough to look like a missionary!
 So I found this adorable suit coat at Target for $14.  Never in the last year have I seen separate suit coats for sale, so I had to get it!  
And here's Owen with his new favorite trick, opening and closing every drawer without a child lock on it.