Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Odds and Ends, Feb.march edition

 We got to take a quick trip up to Pocatello for Great-Grandma's 90th birthday!  We were so glad we could work it out to go. Here's the kids playing with some second cousins.

Here's Great Grandma and Grandpa with the great grandchildren who were there- only about a quarter of them.
Brad's whole family. and Maris, Emma and cousin Amaya.

I promised Maris last year that I would take her to the Color Festival this year. The weather was good, so I kept my promise haha.  Everyone else wanted to come along, except for kate and Eric. We only lasted about a half hour, as usual, but it was fun.

Owen got into it, throwing chalk at random people like a pro!

I found more pictures of ice skating!

Here was Maris' amazing checkerboard gap-tooth smile for a while! And note the beanie trend with her!
Emma continued her drawing trend this year, and added words to her notes! So cute.
Owen wanted to be able to see when he went skiing, so we agreed to let him try contacts. They were challenging to deal with at first, but he has gotten great at taking them in and out. And we have gotten used to seeing him without them often!  He now wears them for all sports and performances.
I got to help my friend Crystal with a youth activity for her ward, by pretending to be on crutches with a hurt knee at the grocery store. I hung out by where they would need to go for a scavenger hunt item, and the test was to see if they would help me.  One out of the 4 groups did. It was a super cool experience.

I had a great few months teaching Relief Society this year, before our ward split and I was called into Young Womens!  Here was the chalkboard full of people's good comments after a lesson.  And Owen's cute face.
Katelyn went to the Sweetheart's dance with a group of friends-- because Drama was in charge of the dance and she had to help with it. But she had fun!
And lastly, a random infinity shot while casting onto the tv downstairs.
February out!