Monday, October 28, 2019

The Adventures of Mom and Dad- first half of 2019

Eric and I got to go to San Diego again in February for his partner meetings for work.  It was a way more fun trip without Emma haha!  But we did miss our little sweetie, and the rest of the kids of course.  But it was my first time leaving her I think?
Anyway, we rented a minivan with 2 other couples that we like and it was a PARTY. All day every day!  It was so much fun!! Josh and Jessica Anderson and Nate and Emily Walter.  We've known them for like 12 years and we hang out at company parties, and Eric does stuff with Josh occasionally and he played basketball with Nate for a few years.  But this was the most we have ever hung out together and it felt pretty cool to have friends haha.  At home we don't have time for that!
Eric discovered he loves these electric scooters and convinced every one to go for a ride, a couple of times lol.

Also we had great fun going to a rock climbing gym, and then going to see Free Solo in IMAX, it was AMAZING!! The best part was when Emily said after, "I guess we could have tried a little harder rock climbing!"  I mean we had ropes!  We could do anything!

On the first afternoon the guys worked, we went out to Coronado Island, it was so cool even in the rain.
I love those big trees behind that house, a beachy needle tree.

Then the full day the guys worked, I made a bunch of girls go to Mission Beach with me, where they rode bikes and I ran 10 miles, most of them shoeless.  It was PARADISE in the middle of Utah winter!  I even stopped by the condo we rented the last summer.

Then we went out to lunch (fish tacos!) and went back to the hotel and ate gelato by the bay.  So chill.
After the boys got done we went out to the tide pools.  I got a HILARIOUS video of Eric being squeamish about touching sea creatures.  And when Nate was like "we can hear you fighting" to Jessica and Josh, oh my so many laughs!!

Then we went out to dinner at a Mexican place.  Then we had the rockclimbing and movie day, also had Ramen.  And went to a museum at Balboa Park (the giant book picture).  We did SO MANY things!!! So easy without kids!!  And flew home the next day.  I had been skeptical about doing everything with other couples and not having as much alone time, but it was GREAT.  Oh and also Eric went running with me one morning and ended up renting a scooter halfway through! So funny!

And back at home.  One place I run past a lot has peacocks and they were beautiful that morning!
Eric and Whitney asleep on the couch watching basketball I think.
Also Eric took the girls skiing!
And Owen to a car show which he loved!
In February our ward boundaries changed and we came into a new ward, losing half our friends and gaining a few new ones.  I am in the Relief Society Presidency again, and this was one of our first activities for the new ward.
Eric has had a pretty big change too....1st counselor in the Bishopric!  I am so proud of him for stepping up and doing something he never wanted to do.

An adventure I had was Jenae's wedding!  I got to throw her a bridal shower which I loved! 
And I drove out to California myself (Eric had to work since we were going to Florida a couple of weeks later.....) for her wedding!  With all the kids and Jonathan. That drive is a challenge but worth it!
Jenae and Connor are fantastic together and I am so proud of and happy for my little sister.

One pic of me by myself in FLorida.  I loved Harry Potter World!!

Lots of Eric's adventures revolve around sports.  He helped coach Whitney's basketball team:
I forgot to add this pic of us at the Jazz game:
and this pic of Whitney playing.  He spends 5+ hours a week with those girls during the season.  I'm so glad he's willing and able to do it.  Also he golfs regularly, and Loves to watch every sport.  He will even watch Track with me- he recorded the US National championships for us to watch. :)

Monday, October 14, 2019

June- The Wedding Edition

 I fully realize that this is going to be picture overload.  But I could not resist taking one million pictures of my beautiful kids on this perfect June day!  And neither could Eric.  Or the photographer.  Kurtis and Lauren were stunning and so was everything about their wedding. It had to be captured. The children all looked like precious little models with the backdrops of the temple, pretty gardens at the reception, and the dance floor!

Also I can't even try to put these in order chronologically. So we are going with the photographer first, then pictures I took, then pictures Eric took. I should have done them in order of worst camera to best camera so you could still think mine were cool until you saw Eric's, then the photographer's! haha
Here's the kids greeting Lauren and Kurtis when they came out of the temple.

Family picture with Grandparents
Family picture
nieces and nephews picture!
Core family pic
so cute!
Mary with all the littles
our family!
Whitney having fun with Vivi
The whole fam!
Pretty little girls at the reception
Emma kept wanting to "dance with Daddy in her pretty dress" because that's what she wants to do when she gets married someday... so adorable

Whitney spinning Maris,   and Cleo

Owen getting his groove on!  His dancing was so fun to watch!
The kids were so thrilled to get to dance with their princess aunt and handsome uncle!

now my pics. Emma was so cute with her dress!

waiting for the bride and groom!

waiting through pictures

waiting for the reception

the ladies!  sisters-in-law of the bride!

Now Eric's pictures!  Cuties at the wedding dinner the night before:
Family temple pics

Owen's amazing fresh loose tooth haha

cool settings on Eric's phone

Selfie fun

It was so much fun.  We love Lauren and we are SO happy she married Kurtis!!