Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Merry Month of June- Birthday Edition

Birthdays coming right up.  First a little Volleyball! Whitney is in the navy blue on the right, she just had a nice hit. We tried a new thing this year and signed up for grass volleyball. It was really fun!! A short season with double headers twice a week. 
And here's Whit with a nice serve.

And Katelyn serving!  She was pretty much the only one on her team who could serve reliably, which was frustrating but she tried to stay positive and upbeat.

They combined 5th-9th grade for this league, so Katelyn and Whitney got to play against each other!  It was pretty cool so see one of them receive the other's serve, or hit it over to her sister!  The funniest part was, after the game, Whitney's team won but when they went to give 5's under the net, she pulled her hand back and didn't give Katelyn 5, so Katelyn jumped under the net to get her, Whitney dodged, and then they ran off, Katelyn chasing Whitney for several minutes and tackling her to make her give her 5!  It was just so hilarious, because Whitney is usually the one who is always chasing or tackling people haha. I think Katelyn is enjoying being so much bigger than Whitney right now, it makes her stronger for once! They were both laughing so hard after that incident; good sisterly bonding!
So here they are lined up across from each other a couple of times:

Whitney was on a really good team, and they ended up taking first place in the tournament!  It was really fun.  And randomly freezing that June night.

And Owen in his last game, playing catcher, so cute!

Our pink tree out front!  We get a couple of weeks of this every spring.
Whitney went to Sports Camp with Brooklyn at BYU! She had a great time.

Now for the birthdays!!  Maris wanted a water party.  So we had an Ocean-themed cake.  I bought some molds and we had fun making candy shells....a little too much fun lol!  Owen and Maris helped decorate the cake and they went to town! They could leave NO SPACE UNADORNED haha.  It was busy but still really cute.  And delicious.  It matched Maris perfectly!

maris' dreams came true and she got the Paw Patroller for her birthday.
Then we went and hung out at BYU during Whitney's Sports Camp.  The highlights were her new Cosmo the Cougar stuffed animal, and the turtles in the duck pond!

Then back home it was time to party!!
She and Owen had spent forever making the undersea backdrop for the table!   And I was proud of my balloon jellyfish.
Sadly there was a lightning storm, so some outside fun was cut short!  But it was still a success. Maris with Audrey, Lizzy, Hudson, Shon, Brandt, Jade, Izzy, and Emma.  Not pictured were her cousins Cleo, Vivi, and Naomi!

And the next day, the 7th, we celebrated Katelyn's birthday!  Because it was supposed to rain on the 8th, and her actual birthday was a Sunday.  (It turned out to be a great call, the next day was freezing! We had the wettest coldest May and June in 2019!)

She wanted cheesecake for her cake!
her besties Abby, Ariel, and Liam.
being sung to haha

hanging out in the water.
playing on the kayaks!
And the sandcastle building contest!
Her actual birthday, she had to get up for a special 8am youth fireside!  Sacrifice! But then she got to build Legos for hours, with all her siblings hovering because they were Harry Potter Legos!

She was very kind and let them all join in a rousing game of Harry Potter, the 3rd Year, it was hilarious and lasted hours lol
We love out TEENAGE Kate!!  She is so grown up and responsible and fun and funny and smart and kind and helpful.
Then Jonathan came over for dinner, Come Follow Me, and more cheesecake.

Oh and Whitney decorated her door late the night before, it was adorable!!  Such a sweet gift.

Oh and here's a pic I missed from the end of the school year: Whitney awesomely acting in her Spanish class' poem recital. She's a natural onstage!

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