Thursday, June 17, 2010

a momentous day

Today we did something we've waited two years to do- we went on a family bike ride! We only had the one bike seat that Whitney's pictured in here, so we had to wait for Katelyn to learn to ride a bike for us to all go together. We got her a bike for her birthday last week, and just today she finally mastered the art of pedaling and steering (with training wheels, of course!)so we could go for our bike ride! Katelyn was SO excited (even though she doesn't look it in this picture), she said "this is the best day ever! this is the best day this month!" We were like "even better than your birthday?" and she said "yeah!" so funny. I figured out that with all her bike riding today she rode more than 1.25 miles. She's going to be sore! Do little kids get sore?? She was rubbing her wrists when we got home, they hurt a little from holding on so tight!
Also, Whitney finally figured out today how to "walk" her little ride-in car along, hallelujah. Now we can go for a walk without me having to push anyone (not the whole way at least!)
Good times.

And a random quote from Katelyn lately "is an orchard a forest where food grows?"

Someday I'll post about Katelyn's birthday....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Triathlon!

took this picture with my phone right after- that's my (Eric's) bike in the background.

I did it! WOOO! So here's the play by play.
800 meter SWIM: Not fun. At all. I almost had a panic attack at 100m in, afraid they were going to have to pick me up in a rescue boat. I just could not breathe right. So I did my froggy swim for a while until I calmed down. Then alternated between regular swim, frog, and backstroke. Every time I did backstroke I went off course though, one time the guys in the rescue boat even had to blow their whistle at me! Halfway through the ladies from the next division (age 30-39, who started 5 minutes behind me) started passing me, sad! By probably 500m I started getting into some kind of rythym, but I was still not enjoying myself, just trying to survive! At least I believed I could finish at that point though. By the time I could see the end I was finally feeling okay, but I was so happy to run out of that water and wave to Eric and the girls, run over a grass hill and into the transition area.
Place: 30th out of 34 women in age 25-29 division. Time, 22:24, my goal was 23 minutes- the fastest I had done it in practice- so I was happy.

12 mile BIKE: Decent. The transition went well, I didn't take too long taking off my wetsuit, I did it in just under 4 minutes which was my goal. Riding the bike I felt good, climbed the hills well, passed a couple of people. But I can see why, if you want to be a competitive triathlete, you need a road bike! On the downhills those road bikes were flying past me, and I was going as fast as my bike could physically go I think. So that was a little frustrating. I felt a little like the amateur that I am, but it felt good to be pushing myself to ride faster than I ever had. The course was 2 loops, and I was so happy Eric did a great job being at just the right place so they could see me both times. The girls always looked so confused for a second, but then they would get it like "oh! that's mom!" and then smile and wave as I called out to them. So cute.
Place: 27th out of 34 Time: 49:14- my goal was an hour, but I had never really tested my limits on the bike before so I had no idea how fast I could go.

5k (3.1mile) RUN: My transition from bike to run was less than a minute, I was amazed. I guess I was just so excited to finally get to the part of the race I was good at! So I started the run, and about 400 meters in I turned a corner and saw the next several people ahead of me up the street WALKING! I couldn't believe it! I quickly caught up to and passed each one, then ran a few more blocks, turned a corner and saw a pretty big, long hill with TONS of people walking! A few would run for a second and then stop to walk again! I was just amazed- here were these people who had kicked my behind in the swim and the bike, and they were walking. Weak! So I got a big smile on my face and zipped up the hill, saying "good job" and "you can do it" to people as I went by. I was genuine, I really do like to encourage people, I guess it's the coach in me. :) But some of them probably were bugged as I cheerfully passed them on that hill! It was hot by this point and I was really pushing myself, so luckily I soon came to the water stop and was handed a cup and cheered on by one of my former athletes that I coached at Provo High! He was a great kid, now a happily married returned missionary who's applying for med school ( I had talked to him before the race) I just love to see those guys and girls turn out so well. :) Anyway the water totally rejuvenated me and I just kept up the pace, stopped counting after I passed my 25th person (every one was running now, after that hill!), and felt great. My thoughts kept alternating between "yeah, you killed me on the swim and bike but look who's passing you now, ha-HA!" (when I passed someone)(unfortunately if it was a woman older than me, she had started 5 minutes later and probably still beat me overall if I passed her in the second half of the run- there were some amazing older women out there!) and "why did I put myself through that swim???? THIS is what I love! Running, running running, woo-hoo!"
So I had a good kick at the end and was so so happy about the running part.
Place: 3RD out of 34 in my age group! Oh yeah! Time: 21:41, an awesome time for me!

Overall: Place in my age group: 21 out of 34 Place out of all women: 74 out of 140. Time: 1:38:04
Overall thoughts: I'm really glad I did it. It was fun to try different types of exercise, and I do like biking. I'm excited to continue to bike for cross-training. Swimming however- let's just say that we're not friends yet. I only swam 8 times for practice though, and I was getting better at it. So there's hope for the future, it's just SO difficult for me to fit swimming into my family's schedule. Except for the summer time, we live 30 minutes from a pool. So that's lots of gas and time. Then you have to PAY to swim. And I can't just pull my children along on a raft with me, someone else has to watch them! Maybe if I was one of those people who lives close to their parents or in-laws and drops their children off all the time there for whatever reason, I could actually train effectively for swimming. But since I'm not.... maybe someday it'll work out better. For now, I've rediscovered my best friend, Running. I'm so grateful that I love it, because lots of people don't, and it's the easiest way to exercise if you have 2 children or less that aren't in school. :)

Anyway, the triathlon was really cool and I'm already forgetting how horrible the swim was. I'm too competitive, I'm sure it's going to bug me that I was so wimpy and afraid on that swim. So maybe in a few years when I get bored of running again I'll tackle it again. And next time I'll rent a road bike. :)

P.S. Eric forgot the camera so I have no pictures. :) But he has been SO supportive and great through this whole process, I love him and am so grateful that even though he doesn't like to do these things with me, he was kind enough to be a great dad while I went to run, bike or swim childlessly a couple of times a week. It's a relief to be done!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We found a little treasure of a hike up Payson Canyon on Memorial Day! It was only a half mile or so each way to this pretty waterfall. Katelyn was fine with going at first, but not super excited. Then within the first 30 seconds of our "hike" she started saying "this is SO FUN!!" every couple of minutes, and skipping and jumping over rocks and just acting SO happy and excited! I was thrilled that she was so affected by being out in nature exercising. 'Cause that's how I feel too!
Whitney loved it too!
A happy girl.
The bottom of the waterfall. I'm trying to take more pictures with me in them lately!

They had all these log bridges over the stream, and at first Katelyn made me hold her tightly, but here she is discovering she can walk across by herself!
....and soon she was practically skipping across! A minute after this a snake slithered across the trail right under her feet and she jumped with her feet out wide to avoid stepping on it and screamed! It was REALLY exciting, and only added to the fun of the adventure.
By the end Whitney wanted to cross the bridges by herself too- with me hovering behind. I felt like my little brother Jonathan, who's always so concerned about little kids getting hurt and sometimes drives them crazy trying to protect them! She did let me hold her hand sometimes.
Whitney with her hat almost over her eyes, as she and Katelyn talked excitedly the whole ride home about what they had seen and done! So cute. The best was when Katelyn was describing the picture she was going to draw about her experiences, and I suggested she could draw the picture in her journal. She was like "OHHH!!!" and sat straight up kicking her feet excitedly. She's so funny.
What a fun time. Days like this are the BEST.


We got Katelyn this new shirt the other day, and it came with a SCARF. Which she has been very creative and stylish with! All of these styles she came up with on her own, each time I see her with a new one I say "ooh, let's take a picture!" So here's a belt...
a headband (she asked for my help with this one!)(and you can see her poor black eye, which is totally fine now)
Love this one. She looks Russian or Muslim, a bit too colorful though I guess!
And later, the classic scarf. Except she tucked the other end into the back of her pants. :)
I guess she is a girl after all! Oh and don't you love her outfit? I just assume people will assume (correctly) that she picks out her own clothes.