Tuesday, February 20, 2018


This year kind of at the last minute I asked Katrina if we could crash her house for Thanksgiving, IF we stayed in a hotel.  So Allison and I did the coolest thing ever and rented a cabin for our two families to stay in!  It was SO AWESOME.

I took these pictures of our thankful tree, it was pretty classic and awesome.  This was my favorite one though; Owen wrote "candeiy" haha.  When in doubt, throw all the vowels in there!

just a cute picture of EMma.  We were doing a lot of co-sleeping around Thanksgiving!  But then in December when she learned how to crawl, she refused to sleep with me anymore!  Which was also fine. :)
Thanksgiving dinner at the Cravens!
After dinner walk
the boys playing Risk at the cabin
Awesome hike "the vortex"

"cairn city"
jumping on the trampoline at the cabin
cousin time for the babies- Emma and Justin
all the kids on the cabin porch
Er.ic captured this funny pic
brave kids made it to the top of the hike.
Hazel LOVES Owen.

Owen, Lydia and Jenna, the three amigos
Uncles Kent and Jonathan and Eric playing against Whit, Caleb and Natalie

It was a great vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha your thanksgiving post: awesome hike the vortex

    My thanksgiving post: one line about family, seven paragraphs about the devil vortex hike.

    hahahahaha. You are an athlete. I am not. Hahaha.
