Monday, February 5, 2018

Happy Murray Day Hike

Happy Murray Day!! 14 years ago Eric asked me to marry him. 😊💕 We celebrated yesterday with a magical afternoon; we went on the most successful family hike we've been on in years!! Successful because
1. we actually made it to our destination! And back, 5 miles round trip, a record for us. YES.
2. No one cried!!!!!!
3. There was very minimal arguing and complaining
4. Because the stars had aligned and everyone was amazingly in a good mood, we got to enjoy lots of singing, jokes, copying Emma's happy baby sounds, various scientific observations, and exclamations of how worth it the hike was as we relaxed and played in the hot springs.
It really felt like what you imagine an ideal fun family activity with 5 kids would be like! 👍👍 So for the next 20 outings that turn out to be disasters, I will at least be able to look back at this one pretty-much-perfect afternoon! 🐑🌲🍂🍁🏊🏻‍♀️🏔🛁🎉❤️
#fifthspringhotsprings #ilovemyfamily #14years

That IG post pretty much sums it up, but here are the pics:
Maris with the pinky leaves.

Emma was a trooper.

the first hot spring pools we saw!

Whitney with the black sand

Emma loved it!!
What a great memory.
THe Murray Awards!
Kate got the Mature Murray for all of her calming helpful nature that has blossomed this year. Whitney got the Magical Murray because she finally decided to read the Harry Potter books, and is super into them now, so she learned she can CHANGE HER MIND haha. Owen got the mind-blowing Murray because he has learned so much this year, and whenever we teach him something new he has GREAT reactions. Like we tell him something cool about Space or the Panama Canal or a cool animal, and he's like "wow!!!! No way!!!!" It's SO cute. Maris got the Monologue Murray for obvious reasons- also half of her monologues are in song form haha! And Emma got the Marshmallow Murray because she is squishy and sweet. 

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