Sunday, May 8, 2011

Silly Things of late...

Just a few silly pictures. First: playing chase with Dad.
"catching" him!
A couple of sillies from our resident silly-head Whitney:
Insisting on wearing six shirts at once!
and being a Whitney potato head (with our santa potato head's beard)
- I love the look Katelyn's giving her!
This one doesn't count as silly, it was really cool. Katelyn's end-of-the year music class recital. She sang, played her tone bells (like a xylophone), and played the autoharp. It was very cute and I can't wait for her to play the piano next year! Her tone and rhythm have improved a ton this year, and she has learned basic music-reading and harmony skills. It's been a great class. Here she is singing "Doe, a deer" and doing the solfleg hand signs.
At the end she was forcing the kids in her class, Quentin and Adalee, to hold her hand while they waited for their certificates. It was hilarious.


  1. I want to hear more about that music class! I'm glad K's been enjoying it.

  2. i totally want to sign natalie up for that class this fall!! and i love the whitney potato head and katelyn's face at her too ha ha ha
