Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St Patricks

What a fun holiday that I've never done anything special for before!  Except the obligatory green clothes.  Wouldn't want to get pinched.  Anyway I decided to do some fun things for Katelyn and it was SO cute and she loved it and we'll do them again for sure.  

Here are her green eggs (and she said we HAD to have ham too) (and that's cheese on them)
Green shamrock muffins 
And the best, Eric helped me make leprechan tracks the night before, leading to a big rainbow down in the toy room with a little pot of gold (Reese's) at the end!  She wanted to "do it again" and made me put the gold back several times so she could follow the tracks again, over and under banana chairs in the family room and all.  She even woke up before Eric left so he got to see it too.  
In addition to the morning's excitement, we had tons of fun running and playing outside in the 60 DEGREE weather!!  and even had a picnic dinner in Provo with our good and old friends the Thevenins,  the weather right now is amazing!!!  We also went with them to some cool exhibits at the Museum of Art at BYU, good times.  It was funny though, Eric was carrying Katelyn as we enterred the second exhibit and she whispered to him "let's get out of here" :)  
Possibly my most fun St. Patrick's Day ever.


  1. What a cute idea to leave tracks to a pot of gold!!! I will definitely be stealing (I mean borrowing!Ü) that idea next year!! What did you use for the rainbow?? What a great mom you are... and aren't those dresses that Grandmom made darling?! Sarah is so excited to wear her's to church on SUnday!! :)

  2. I'll have to remember the leprachaun tracks also. Your girls are adorable!

  3. The St Patrick's ideas are the cutest. I also made green eggs and ham, but they looked gross so no one ate them. I'll have to remember the Pot of Gold idea for next year!
