Saturday, January 28, 2023

2 Bucket List Adventures in 1 Week

 For years my mom has been wanting to track down the spots where my Grandma Hansen lived in Payson/Spanish Fork when she was young.  When they came for Maris' baptism, she finally made it happen!  She invited my grandma's little sister (my great aunt Roberta) and her husband Eldon and their daughter to meet us and drive around.  It was hot but fun!  We found an area about a half mile from where their house was in the Spanish Fork River bottoms, and re-created this picture of my Grandma with her parents and brother and sister, with my parents and kids!  It was way cute. 

later my mom was able to get closer to the real spot, but we had to go before then.  

Here's my younger 4 at the house in Salem where my great-grandparents lived the last years of their lives. 1960-1973. It's the house my dad used to visit them at, so he told us some memories and it was cool.
The kids at the spot where the Brimhall land used to be in Payson.  across from an elementary school now. There's still a creek there they talk about in the family history, so that was cool. 
Katelyn couldn't come on the family history trip because she was at the dress rehearsal for summer Shakespeare pictured here-- and Mrs. Millet was nice enough to let me bring my parents to see it that morning!  We were so happy they could finally see Katelyn perform in person!

And a couple of days later, we got to live another one of my bucket list dreams!!  I have thought for years that it would be so fun to float the Spanish Fork River. Sometimes it looks deep enough!  So I bought these tubes for $2 at Walmart, and amazingly enough, once again Eric agreed to try it!!! hooray!!
It ended up being cold water, and SLOW water, and Emma didn't like it, and the tubes didn't hold us bigger people well..... but we had a couple extra and we made the best of it! Here's Whitney:
a few of us chillin, and Eric with Emma. The only way she would ride was with dad!

There were some idyllic moments for sure!

And shallow parts we had to get out and walk...
a few fast parts that were actually exciting.....
Owen and Whitney , and Maris on the right

Cute Maris, and Owen and Eric
After 2 hours we were NOT close to our car parked at the Sports Park yet, and Katelyn needed to be at the school to get ready for her show!  So she and Emma and I got out and walked to the road, and I ran in my swimsuit (luckily I had on old running shoes) back to the sports park to get the car, and came and picked up Katelyn and Emma who had started walking towards home!  They were less than a mile from home by the time I got back to them!  But we got Katelyn safely to her call time. Not too long after, Eric and the kids were finally done, so I went and found them playing in the sprinklers at the sports park haha.  
Eric took these, they look pretty victorious!  We conquered the Spanish Fork River!  It was crazy but epic. It may be a one and done but I'm so glad we did it!! What a fun memory.

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