Thursday, March 9, 2023

Backstage Pass

One of the nights, I was a dressing room chaperone. And it turned out to be one of the coolest things I have ever done! Maybe its because I watched all 7 of my siblings perform in plays and talk about funny things backstage, or maybe because I've always been interested in behind the scenes of movies and stuff.  But I LOVED it!!  I probably took way too many pictures in the wings. Here's Kate's first scene with the Bishop.
Beggars- everything looked different from the side of the stage!

Owen had lots of downtime so we got to hang out! He took me on the secret stairs backstage to the 2nd floor!

Oh my goodness the barricade from the back was SO COOL! You can see the techs sitting back there on a mattress!  They had to help several people climb up or down at different points.  They also had the mattress back there for Javert's suicide later on- he didn't fall from as high up as that though!!
Getting to interact with all the actors was so fun!!  I brought tic tacs to hand out to be a literal icebreaker for me.  One of my favorite parts was talking to Olivia Walquist, who played Cosette that night.  I'm friends with her mom, so she was easy to talk to. It was fun to help with the couple of small emergencies that came up, or just chat with the kids and tell them things I was impressed with from their earlier performances.  I tried not to be too starstruck lol. Here's the chain-gang dancer boys.
And Owen and his friends again- this is the night I took that picture.
One day more- from the wings.  And Everybody ready to go on for the People's song- it got crowded back there at times! But the coolest part was when they would all be singing backstage before they went on!  Or in some songs, people backstage would just sing to add their voices to the big numbers even if they weren't in that scene. I loved it.

Beggars from the wings- Katelyn and Owen were right there on the steps.
ValJean and the Bishop doing quick costume changes in the wings!  And people bustling around getting ready to go on for Turning I think.

Master of the House from the wings!  It was fun to see the ensemble SO completely into it- even though there were 20 dancers and the leads in front of them.
Katelyn hanging out backstage with Sulice and McKaylee. And in her Lovely Ladies dress.

The Finale- I decided to sing from backstage!!  So I got to be part of the show, haha!  What a cool thing to get to experience more of what Katelyn has been doing all these years.  I will definitely volunteer for that job again. 

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