Friday, April 10, 2009

potty successes

Last week before we left for California Katelyn finally finished her potty sticker chart that we'd been working on for months!  So she got this sweet Lightning McQueen that we got on clearance after Christmas.  Woo-hoo!  And the BEST part is, last Wednesday for the FIRST time she told me she had to go and then went... and has been doing that ever since!!! It's like she finally got it, something clicked and she realized that she didn't need me to tell her to go every hour, she could just go when she needed to, so wonderful...  
She's not perfect but she's doing great, FINALLY.  6 months ago I never thought this would happen!  

And a funny story from California.  When Katelyn uses the bathroom she calls out "something happened!!"  real loudly and then I go in and help her. (she learned it from a potty book, that's what the little girl in the book said the first time she went on the potty)  Obviously my family was very entertained by this while we were there, several times a day they'd hear her yelling in excitement from the bathroom and all crack up.  So one night we were playing a game and from the bathroom we hear Derek yelling "something happened!!!"  We were just dying, so funny.  And then my mom hurried and found a sticker to give him when he came out, it said "way to go".  Good times.  


  1. Don't ya love siblings? And there crazy humor. You made it back yeah!! How did you do? Brave mommy that's all I can say. And Yeah for Katelyn!! I've put Weston back in diapers and am giving up for a while. I love that her sticker chart is a train and her prize is a car. I love that girl!!!

  2. That cracks me up Derek is so funny. Sorry I missed you this past trip next time for sure!!! Love your family they are adorable.

  3. Henry is jealous of the McQueen. Congrats on the potty success!
