Monday, April 13, 2009

in love with the alphabet

Just wanted to pass along my ideas for teaching Katelyn the lower-case alphabet, they've worked great!  
First, foam bathtub letters.  My friend Crystal has these in upper-case and that's all I've found at the store, so I bought the thickest craft foam I could find at JoAnn's (limited color selection!) and cut these out with my kitchen shears.  She LOVES them and half of them are missing because she's carried them all over the house playing with them.

This one was actually Katelyn's idea- stuffed letters.  I made her a couple, then decided I wouldn't do it for free--she could get one every time she used the potty.  She gets to pick out the scrap fabric and what letter to make next.  Well little did I know she was about to figure out the whole potty thing and soon I was making 5+ a day and getting behind.  So now we have almost the whole alphabet and she only gets them for going #2, our current challenge.  Anyway she sleeps with them and loves them and pretends to spell words and sound them out ("mom, what does suh, tuh, luh, muh, ah spell?") they're so fun.

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