Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Cliff Jumping for the win!

We had heard about cliff jumping at Lake Powell, and it did not disappoint!!  This is the first little cliff we tried out. All the kids ended up doing it except Emma. Here you can see Jayda, Whitney, Eric and Kurtis- with his man-bun haha. And Owen on the way down!
Whitney running off the cliff!
....AAAaaannd then we progressed to stuff like this!! Owen before and during a jump, from SO high!!  I made Eric try the jumps first, or at least search the water for any rocks sticking out from the cliff.  The bottom was like 1,000 feet down underwater, so it was just random ledges jutting out that I was afraid of.
Here's Whitney on that same huge jump! Crazy!! And on the right there's another nice jumping spot we found.  Even I went off this one!  Me, Eric, Jayda, Whitney and Owen did.  Kate and Maris and Xavier and Kurtis stuck to the smaller rock to the right. But I MADE myself do it- to prove that I'm 40 but I'm still cool hahaha
Owen and Whitney did it several times!  They just kept climbing up and going again, my little thrill seekers!!
Eric and Whit about to go, and screenshot from a video of those 2 and Owen jumping at the same time. So brave!

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