Monday, January 4, 2021

Spooky and Peekaboo at last

I have been trying to get to these slot canyons for 10 years.  And based on how difficult it was to get there, it was probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience haha.
Not only did we have to drive all the way to Escalante Utah, we then had to drive for an HOUR on a horrible washboard road.  Oh and get a flat tire 20 minutes in and have to turn around and get it patched and do then do the whole road!  So 40 extra minutes of washboard. Eric almost didn't survive LOL. 
But the hike was really incredible and we all loved it.  Maybe someday the kids will have forgotten the awful road and they can take their own kids! 
There was lots of this:
and this:
And quite abit of this-- but only after a minor panic attack in the first narrow part!! We had no idea Emma was klaustrophobic!   We were able to talk her down and convince her to keep going though.  A couple more times she started to freak out but we reminded her the best way was forward and she bravely forged ahead.

This was one of my favorite spots in Spooky Canyon.
Emma and I brought up the rear in Peekaboo Canyon.

Lots of beautiful wavy skinny parts. Eric and Whitney came last through Spooky.

So many cool walls.
Here was another cool skinny part!
And a pretty dark part!

Hey I found Whit!
I couldn't get enough of these amazing triple arches in Peekaboo Canyon!  So cool! The kids were too excited to move on to pose for too many pictures though.

Well I guess that's not true, Emma was pretty good at posing for pictures haha.
This one was at the bottom of this crazy drop/slide thing in Spooky Canyon.  I had just passed Emma down to Katelyn and took this before I went down.  So cool!
And here's my 6 favorite people making shadow eyes.

Back at the campground we had a cool little stream to play in,
And fun rocks to climb and sit on.
Owen by the stream.
More rock playing.
It got pretty chilly when the sun went behind the hill though- that's October camping!  
Also, Eric is the best at tin foil dinners and dessert!  So delicious!

Fall camping in Southern Utah continues to be a favorite.  I'm so glad we could go.


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