Friday, January 8, 2021

Emma plays Sleeping Beauty

Here it is, the post you've all been waiting for....8 months in the making....a collection of Emma falling asleep everywhere!
Poor girl has had the hardest transition to no naps of any of my 3-year-olds.  I blame quarantine for messing with our schedule- she probably would have napped consistently for longer and then stopped when she was actually ready instead of a few months early.
Instead we got several months of cranky, falling asleep between 4 and 7pm girl.  If she could make it until 7 we would just move her to her bed.  But earlier than that, we would let her get a 20-30 minute power nap and then wake her up and deal with a grumpy woken up girl for a couple of hours.
And half the time she didn't fall asleep, she was a grumpy mess from 4-7 anyway.  Then she would either fall asleep or get a second wind and be crazy giggly loopy for a couple of hours haha. That was pretty entertaining actually!
Anyway Eric and I enjoyed the snuggly part of this phase! And had fun laughing at her crazy positions. So here we go:
Kitchen chairs in the afternoon: Maris took this with her tablet and captioned it haha!
Watching a scripture movie with mom on the couch.

In a shopping cart at JoAnns!!
barstools in the evening:
Watching a movie with Dad.
In her carseat: (anytime we went somewhere in the late afternoon!)
randomly by herself after dinner:
At Grandma's after swimming:
again, movie with Dad:

again, at Grandma's after swimming!
conked out right in the middle of gnocchi soup at dinner!!
reading stories with dad in the afternoon:
went to bed early, and fell out??
fell out and tried to climb back in but it was too exhausting?  Or only fell halfway out haha!
Mid-afternoon with the kids all around:
During the pool break at the Payson Pool:
DURING Whitney's birthday party we found her asleep over by the couch!  It was NOT quiet in that room!!
Asleep spanning the couch and ottoman!
With Dad during scriptures:
With Mom during scriptures!
Afternoon again- she gets her blanket and just lays down somewhere and she's out. Cutie.
One of my favorites: in the middle of an ice cream cone.
And last but not least, in the middle of the family room while the kids were watching a movie in the late afternoon.

Such a unique time of life for her.  My other kids were seriously not like this, it's cute that she's so unique. We love our Emma girl.

1 comment:

  1. cracking up at the one of her "climbing back into bed but it was too exhausting?" hahaha
