Wednesday, December 3, 2008


#8 is Free, wonderful babysitters!
Every day Eric and I got to take a few minutes and leave the girls with someone (usually Mary and at least one other person) and go do something fun. Many of these things had to do with the ocean, since Katelyn wouldn't go near it. (Here's the story- she has never wanted to go in the waves, but she would play on the beach in CA and on the first day in Hawaii- until about an hour into her sandcastle-making fun a "rogue wave" as Brad called it came up and soaked her and started carrying her toys back into the ocean, thus proving to her that even the beach wasn't safe. If we tried to set foot on the sand with her after that, she cried and screamed in genuine fear. So sad. I LOVE the ocean and was looking forward to playing in it with her...) Anyway, Eric and I got to go on the very fun hotel waterslide, play in the ocean, go boogieboarding with Kurtis, go kayaking on the ocean, shop at Whaler's Village, and take a romantic walk on the beach at night :) It was wonderful to leave the girls for a half-hour or hour here and there and do fun stuff together. And obviously they had fun while we were gone! Here's Katelyn with Kurtis, sadly I didn't get any pictures of Kate and Elizabeth, they played together A LOT, so cute.

And here's Whitney just waking up from a long nap on Grandma (in the shade!), she got to do that a couple of times.

1 comment:

  1. Free babysitting is definitely the best. Very sad about Kate and the ocean, though. Good luck conquering her fears.
