Saturday, December 6, 2008


Thanksgiving Under the Stars!!

What a cool way to eat Thanksgiving dinner! The hotel had an amazing feast and we got to eat it out under the palm trees and stars. Katelyn liked the ice cream, I liked the mashed potatoes and the key lime pie, and Eric liked the meat. :)

Katelyn in her Hawaiian girl Thanksgiving outfit!

Here's Eric with his 4 kinds of meat plate, mmm. He had turkey, ham, beef, and I don't remember what kind of fish on there.
I caught Katelyn doing this and she said she was "looking at the stars" while she ate, so cute.
We all said our thankfuls and my favorite was probably Kurtis', he said "fun parents" since he's the only kid left at home now :( It was cute.
I am so thankful for two healthy beautiful little girls.
I am so thankful that Whitney is such a smiley adorable little baby.
I am thankful for a wonderful husband who is such a "hands on" father. He is a true partner in this parenting thing. He is my best friend and I just love being with him, we have so much fun.
I am so thankful to not be pregnant and sick as I have been 2 out of the last 4 Thanksgivings. :)
I am thankful for a beautiful home.
I am thankful that Eric enjoys his job.
I am thankful for me and Eric's wonderful parents and siblings. I miss my siblings!
I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the church.
I am thankful for the plan of salvation and it's central figure, Jesus Christ. He is my Savior and Example. I am thankful for the hope He provides and the repentance He made possible!
I love Thanksgiving.


  1. I'm so jealous! I love the pictures. You are so blessed to have those adorable girls! I'm glad you have a good Thanksgiving. We need to hang out with y'all soon! Are you coming to Salt Lake anytime soon? Let us know, and we can have all of you over for dessert and to hang out!

  2. It looks like so much fun. A Thanksgiving to remember! I can't believe the personality Whitney shows already. So Cute! I can't wait to see more.
