Tuesday, January 27, 2009

4 teeth

Here are those teeth finally coming down into view when she smiles!! So cute! Poor girl got her first 4 teeth in about a 3 week period late Dec-early Jan. She was grumpy! And now all she wants to do is eat real food that she can pick up herself and chew! Good times.

I also gave her her first tiny pigtails last week, yay!


  1. AAAA she's SOOO CUTE!!!! hehe and she is SO BIG!!

  2. Hey Rebecca! Somehow your blog got deleted off the side of our blogroll so I haven't looked at it in a while. Your girls are so cute, and Whitney is so old now! Yea for teeth!

  3. awesome!

    sadly i think i missed the window of putting natalie's hair up. she just everything right out and so i might have to wait until she will listen to reason to try and actually do her hair.

    oh and as for the pomalogs or whatever, did you guys go to the polynesian cultural center in hawaii? because the things she built look like those big stone carvings in hawaii to me. maybe that is what she's talking about because those are definately just to look at =o]

    sounds like you are having a blast. way to be a mom sister!

  4. YEAY for teeth! Bailey only has 1 tooth so far...maybe someday she'll have 4!
