Friday, February 25, 2022

have you heard? there's a rumor in St Petersburg.....AKA all my dreams of my kids performing together came true!!

I cannot tell you how thrilled I was that Whitney was super brave and tried out for the high school musical!!  And that Katelyn decided to do the musical again, since last time was challenging!  Seeing them together on stage (and having them some home singing and dancing together!!) was even BETTER than I dreamed it would be. It was very bonding for them and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE of it.  I am so excited to see Katelyn in many more shows in her life.  But this might be Whitney's one and only, even though she is a born performer!  She shines up there and she did love it!!  But you can't play a fall sport and be in the musical.  So I had to savor every second of her time on stage. :)
Here we go backwards again!
This was the finale, on closing night.  You can just see Katelyn 2 people behind the grand duchess.
Here was the cast presenting gifts to the directors.
Whitney and Kate with Katelyn's good friend Phebe!  Whit got to know her in the show too.  And Czar Liam (holding his beard that fell off) and Katelyn!
Me with my performing girls!!
They stood together for the bows!! Right in the middle with the rest of the ensemble.

Final song on a different night, you can just see Whitney in her blue dress behind the tall girl near the middle.

This scene at the end was just too cute.  Dillon(Dmitri) was way shorter than Camille (Anya), so they had her pull him up to stand on her suitcase before they kissed!  It was hilarious and perfect!  They were both SO SO fantastic!  Singing, acting, everything.
Katelyn being the attendant/bell ringer at the Opera.
Whitney arriving at the opera with Madi and showing off her acting skills

The whole ensemble had these horrible green communist office worker shirts!  Katelyn is 3rd from the left.

Kate singing, and Whitney singing in the same scene, 3rd from the right.
Whitney and Madi!  and Katelyn saying hi to Xander

Katelyn and Whitney with the flowers Lauren and Kurtis game them-- I had cropped this picture and it didn't save an original and I'm so sad!!  Lauren and Kurtis were so sweet to come.  Ryan and Cortnee and their girls came too!  And Jonathan and Mary and Brad.  Of course we all loved the show!!! most of our little family saw it twice, I went 3 times haha.
Katelyn saying her lines as the train conductor!
And Whit sitting all in brown, during my favorite straight up ensemble song (no dancing)- I'll Bless My Homeland Til I Die.  So pretty and sweet and sad. They did a great job. Kate sang from backstage since she was the train conductor.
Circle before the show.
after opening night- yay sisters!!!! And katelyn and Ariel.
Whitney as a French reporter in the reporter song with Lilly and Vlad!
Katelyn in her Paris outfit on the left
Whitney in blue on the right, at the beginning of Paris. with Madi and Sammi

Katelyn the train conductor again, and Whitney with the younger cast for Bless My Homeland.
Whitney in St. Petersburg!  Such a great song!!

Katelyn with Liam in St. Petersburg-
Random pic of sleepy Emma again haha
And Katelyn and Whitney acting together at the ball in the opening scene!
I loved it so much to see them together!!  Dressed up so pretty in their ball gowns.  I'll remember this show forever!!

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