Friday, February 18, 2022

Happy Soccer Fun Times

 Last spring during soccer season, Katelyn started calling the craziness "happy soccer fun times" and it cracked us up. Hence the name of this post. So here are some pictures from our first season of 4 kids playing soccer (2 Club!).

Maris had fun and was super cute as a 2nd grader in 1st/2nd grade co-ed soccer.  She played hard and even got to score one goal.

Me with my cheering section at one of Maris' games:
Emma with her coach.  She was dang adorable, and Eric and I thoroughly enjoyed coaching our very last season of Pre-K soccer. So bittersweet!  I had to coach a couple games when Eric had conflicts.

Emma basically destroyed everybody!  She scored in every game, her high score was a hat trick of 3 goals! She just kept dribbling and shooting like crazy.  They play with goalies, which we don't love, not very many goals can be scored. All the other cities play pre-k with no goalies, but I couldn't convince Salem to do it. But Emma managed to score anyway.

There were really only a couple of boys in the whole league who were better than her, and no girls! It just shocked us, because we had literally no idea what she was going to do the first time she played.  But I guess she has watched hundreds of soccer games in her young life, and apparently she has absorbed the basics!

General Conference weekend is my favorite! Katelyn was in Cedar city for the Shakespeare Festival so she missed Saturday conference. We have been listening to all those talks in the car on the way to school ever since.
Emma the little star! Also she had 2 kids from her Sunbeam class on the team, and Eric's friend from work's daughter- cute Amelia!

You think she will beat these two other kids?  I think so.
The beautiful mountains and sunflowers on a cloudy fall day run.
Maris enjoying her 3rd year of Let's Play Music:

And a recap of the Summer Challenges!  I let the kids have until the true end of summer, September 20th, to finish this time. 
New this year: Positive Ways to Spend Time Challenge! Only Whitney finished!  She is bored the most often (if she has nothing to do for more than a single hour haha), so she made it happen.
Summer Reading Challenge:  Katelyn, Whitney, Owen and Emma finished.  This was Maris' first year having to read "real" books, and she did about 8 of the 12, which was pretty good!  Also I set a personal record with 7 I think haha
Summer Exercise Challenge:  Whitney, Maris and Emma finished this one!!  I regrettably did not- I probably could have if I had counted all the playing in pools and ocean as swimming. But I was trying to challenge myself to actually do swimming workouts.....and it just never happened!  So I didn't finish the swimming.  But between marathon training and the running club, I was spending too much time away from my family exercising anyway. So I just couldn't make time to go swim.  It's okay!
Katelyn got to experience the sweet Emma falling asleep everywhere!  She was still doing it in the fall.
Emma being awesome.  You can always pick her out by her yellow socks! favorite color!
Maris with her team.  In the pink sock front row.

This was adorable: At a soccer game Maris asked Grandpa to draw her a picture on her doodleboard.  Brad's hands shake so I haven't seen him write much!  I had to take a picture of this precious drawing from Grandpa.
Katelyn went to the Homecoming Dance with a group of friends, so pretty!
I only got a couple of pictures from Owen's season. He had a lot of fun hanging out with the boys on his team!  And he improved a lot.

On my longest training run for the marathon, 22 miles, I ran the Provo River trail in the rain!  and ran into a Moose! by the  Bridal Veil Falls parking lot.
More of Emma being awesome. Here she is scoring a goal! and turning the ball around.

me and my cheering buddy at Whitney's game in Park City. It was early september and COLD! 

This was the ward Fall Carnival. Eric is the bishopric member in charge of activities haha!  Since he loves activities SO MUCH hahaha. So he asked me to be on the activities committee just for the carnival to help him get the committee started.  Luckily they picked some great people who went above and beyond and made it awesome- the De La Fuentes.  It turned out so fun, with games and face painting and bounce houses and cotton candy and popcorn machines and decorations!  Eric and I were just going to do a pie night for our original idea haha.  So we still had pies too.  It turned out GREAT. and we involved the YM YW helping a little bit- bonus!

A beautiful rainbow fruit salad I made for Brother Stoddard's funeral.
sunrise running picture from the river trail, and double rainbow in front of our house.

And lastly, adorable Emma, our 4 year old soccer star!!!! What a fun surprise for us to have such a talented 5th child!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. Your summer charts!! I just took screenshots hahaha. It would be too overwhelming for me to start that all at once but it's a great pool of ideas!!
