Sunday, September 8, 2013


My blog is such a photo dump, sorry!  One day I will post meaningful monologues, but for now, mostly pictures.  Here are the girls on Meet-your-teacher night a couple of days before school started.  They got to wear whatever they wanted, which was fun since usually it's just boring uniforms. :)
Whitney looking adorable in clothes I bought her on clearance from Downeast!
 She's been counting down to the start of school for months!

 Katelyn also looking adorable in clearance Downeast attire, and fun poses!

  1. They love school! 

 sisters :)
 Kate on her first day of SECOND GRADE!
 I made her turn sideways so she didn't look bald. :)  She loves ponytails, so I've been experimenting with fun ones.
 and here you can see that her front teeth are finally starting to grow in!
Katelyn has an AWESOME teacher this year who was her math teacher last year and Katelyn loved her- Mrs. Dodge.  She is funny, which is perfect for Katelyn, and she is a GOOD teacher.  She explains things in understandable and fun ways to the kids, she is organized and creative, and she has Science and History lessons that have CAPTIVATED my child!  Katelyn comes home almost every day saying "Mom!  Did you know xyz thing that I learned in history/science???" (said with much more enthusiasm than I've heard from her about school in the last 2 years!) She told me this whole long story in great detail about Horatius, a Roman soldier (Captain?General?) and she kept saying "and the BEST part was..." It is so cute and I'm SO thrilled she finally has a great teacher!  Her kindergarten teacher lacked an ounce of creativity and her 1st Grade teacher was decent, but now I can finally say I LOVE her teacher. Yay!
And a week later, kindergarten finally began for Whitney!  Silly-head.
 She really wanted this Rapunzel hairdo I found on my new fave website, but her hair is obviously not long enough!  So I did my best and we even found enough fresh flowers in our yard to put in it! :)  Then here she is in the car, refusing to take off her backpack for the ride there!
 At the school entrance, carrying classroom supplies we donated
 And at her seat!

 And another picture for day 2, when she said "School is like having 12 playdates every day!!" She is a party girl, so getting to play with friends EVERY DAY is awesome!  Sadly her teacher (who was new to the school but seemed great) resigned after the first 4 days, citing personal and family illness??  and she has had subs for the last week :(  She's still having fun but she isn't learning anything (I know, she won't learn much for the first couple of months anyway because my children are way overprepared for kindergarten!) and I'm just praying they find someone good!  


  1. Love you Katelyn & Whitney! Have so much fun at school this year. I love being a grandma to you both!!....and Owen too! :)
