Monday, May 13, 2024


 Ensenada was our last stop, and last day on the ship.  The next morning we were back in LA.  So we tried to enjoy our last day, but it was super cold outside anywhere on the boat!  Here's a last deck picture, and picture of our room.

You will notice that by day 4 Eric was getting a little tired of selfies lol. Here's the Raspados we bought (ice and fruit) in Ensenada and one more cabana reading picture.
Ensenada was..... so ghetto!  The ebike tour we bought on Airbnb was kind of a flop.  They gave us the wrong address so we walked allll over the ghetto city, only to be sent back to an address right by the port.  Then the bike tour took us to the most ghetto beach ever.  Then the museum they were going to take us to, was closed because it was a "holiday". But we got to see the town's parade, yay?  So many soccer teams in the parade!

Here we are trying to find our meeting place and not get lost in the ghetto.  Eric LOVED it as you can see.
Fun chip mix at the Oxxo we found, and a super run down soccer park!
Sign and our ship in the background.
one more beach.
Our ship again.
me getting in the water a little, and Eric with an ad for one of he and the kids' favorite F-1 racers who is apparently Mexican and they are very proud of him, Sergio Perez.
The next day we had like 10 hours until our flight home, so we rented a car and went and hung out at Newport Beach for a couple of hours.  It wasn't warm enough to get in the water, but it was warm enough to sit in the sun, so that was nice. Then we went to a delicious French restaurant we had gone to on an LEI trip a few years ago. Then we went to see a funny soccer movie, and killed time walking around an outdoor mall.  It was actually a really fun place with all these outdoor games you could play, but we were just dead and ready to go home!  I made Eric take one more selfie haha.

Finally it was time to fly home.  It had been a great 5 days!  Many thanks to Mary and Brad, and my mom for coming and watching the kids. We got to spend one day with her when we got home. And then it was Thanksgiving!

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