Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Hansen Reunion!! Outside at Oceano Beach

 the pictures uploaded backwards and I don't have the patience to change them all....so this post will be backwards!

This was our last morning in Oceano, we had a last-hurrah walk on the beach.  The MacKays had left, but Natalie was staying in Madera for the week so she was still there. and Grammy, Grandpa Jamie, Connor, Jenae and Jonathan enjoyed the walk with us. It was super cold though, but we were kind of used to it by the end of that weekend I guess??

More sand dollars for our collection I guess??

Now rewind to Saturday, our beach day. It was only like 65 degrees and the water was so cold!! So all the kids got in, and the adults tried to stay warm on the sand!

The guys played a bunch of sand volleyball!  And broke the net at one point, then Eric and Phillip spearheaded a macgyver engineering project to fix it with a piece of driftwood and dried seaweed!  It was awesome haha. Raycelan and I joined in on the volleyball for a while too, it was really fun.

Katelyn was cute with the littles- this is Mei.
The kids on the beach
Natalie, Caleb and Whitney boogie boarding
These 3 cuties, Emma, Spencer and Justin,I caught this series of photos as a wave came up and got them, so funny!

You can see Connor on the left here, being the guardian of the kids!  So cute.
Saturday morning before the beach, we were going to hike Bishop's Peak in San Luis, but decided it was too much for the many little kids.  So we did a Pioneer themed singalong at the ampitheater by the beach.  This was everyone walking from my parents' campsite to the theater.  Such a big group!! And it was cool that out condo was only a few minute walk from the campground, and 10 steps from the sand.  And across the street from the MacKays' condo! It turned out PERFECT!!
My early morning beach buddies after my run.
Saturday morning I got re-aquainted with my home-beach, I ran from Oceano up to Pismo on the beach!  It was gorgeous!

This was my ocean!

Friday night we had a fire and singing at my parents' beach campground!  It was so much fun.  We played charades and then sang from a special Hansen songbook my mom made. Love this silly face by Melissa!
Charades time!
Cute cousins singing together.
This was Friday after we arrived- we decided last minute to do the dinner at our condo instead of the campsite. So after the Friday afternoon beach time, everyone came over. Suddenly we were all together for the first time in 18 months, in a smallish space, my kids were in awe of how big our family is!  It was AWESOME!  Here's Eric holding our newest niece at the time, Audrey (Donny and Christine's youngest).
It was Mei's birthday so Grammy had a present for her and ALL the kids crowded around to see!
So many kids, so much fun!!  We ended up having another meal at the condo later too, and a game night. It had a big table and a bar and the couches and more seating out on the big front deck, so it worked great. And our family really loved sharing the place with the Horlachers!  It was great to have some one-on-one time with Melissa and Karl, and get to see their kids outside of just the crazy 25 kids running around.
And we have backtracked finally to Friday afternnoon when we arrived!  Katelyn, Whitney and Natalie ran right out into the waves- and it ended up being the most sun we saw at the beach all weekend. So good thing we made time to enjoy it!

Eric, Kent, Derek and Donny lost no time getting re-acquainted with a game of Spikeball:

So fun to see the friendly competition.  I'm always proud of Eric's athleticism haha.
As you can see, we made great memories at the beach and condo in Oceano!

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