Thursday, December 7, 2017

more summer fun!!

One of the times the Cravens were here, Katelyn and Whitney made up this whole carnival for all the little kids.  Katelyn came out dressed like this and it was so awesome!!  So cute of them to do that.
A couple of days before Derek and Raycelan moved we had a last hurrah hike.  We did Dripping Rock Trail and it was prefect for our group.
from facebook:
Can I post again about Derek and Raycelan?? This is them playing Motorboat and tug of war with most of their Hansen nieces and nephews today. 😭They move in a few days, we are going to have withdrawals!

The Utah siblings!  (Jonathan is one too now, but he had to work.)
group hug!  It has been so wonderful to live so close to Derek for the last 6 years.
Also we spent the 24th of July with the cousins!
One random week Whitney's Family Home Evening activity was a huge success! #familypingpong #crazypingpong #doublesplusmaris #10ballserve

Mom classes were toned down this year, because EMMA.  :)  But one we did was kitchen science. one day we played with cornstarch, this day was yeast.

Genius ideas by Whitney, Round 2: Soft Baked Pretzels for our Baking 101 class today! YUM, sooo good! The baking soda bath was magical and made them so crisp/chewy on the outside, wow. Thanks #sallysbakingaddiction for the recipe! My kitchen is now a disaster and I haven't gotten anything else done today, but, WORTH IT!! 😁 #summermomclass

from facebook:
I've been feeling so Jetsons lately: "oh I can play with Emma while this robot Eric got me for my birthday cleans my floor" or "Alexa turn on my kitchen light so I don't have to walk 10 steps to do it myself" What crazy world do I live in? What are my kids going to have?
One day I took the littles to a splash pad while Eric took the big girls to a play.

And one day I convinced Allison to come with me (it didn't take much convincing, she is always up for an adventure!) to visit the graves of some ancestors!
Facebook post:
I am proud to be a Hansen. And a Udall, a Rowley, a Schofield, a Lamb and an Edmunds. Spent the day today driving around central Utah to see the graves of 15 of my grandpa's ancestors. Immigrants from Wales, England, and Denmark in the 1850's and 60's. I love learning about my family and sharing it with my kids, and I'm glad my sister and her kids were up for the adventure as well! #smalltowncemeteries #pioneers

The Udalls in Nephi

The Hansens and Jensens in Pleasant View?  Can't remember the town name right now!

Manti temple

The Lambs in Wales- tiny desert town!

Mustaches to match their ancestor!
It was a really fun day, and we learned a lot about out ancestors= win!

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