Monday, May 6, 2013


Highlights of Easter:
Whitney waking up super early like she does on every holiday and birthday!
 Sleeping beauty woken by her sister!
 Owen knew what the candy was and immediately started eating his Cadbury egg with the wrapper on!  I helped him get it off and he chomped a huge bite of chocolate and creme!
 Whitney wanted a picture with her beautiful dyed eggs.
 I think Katelyn ate her entire chocolate bunny that same day...she's a chocoholic!!  ALso notice her biting from the side- poor girl has been missing her front teeth since before Christmas!
 Owen got to do his first easter egg hunt!  He picked up one piece of candy and he was good!  He just kept looking around at all the other kids. (He loves other little kids and is always trying to hug them!  Our little social boy!)
 The dresses I made the girls and the cute outfit I bought Owen at Walmart!
 So- I REALLY love making my own patterns.  So much.  I love sketching ideas and picking my favorite and figuring out which fabric pattern and type will work for that look and then figuring out how to make the pattern pieces so the dress will look right--it's great exercise for my brain!  And then I'm just nervous through all the cutting and sewing until I can see it starting to come together, and then I'm impatient with all the little finishing details just wanting it to be done so I can reach THIS moment: when I put it on my beautiful child and it looks adorable! :)  
 The only thing that didn't turn out like I planned it was the ruffle at the neck- it was the last part of the dresses that I did and I realized too late that for it to look right it would have to be INSET in the yellow- it was NOT supposed to be hugely puffy like that!  But I would have had to cut the main dress piece to try to put it in and I was too afraid I'd ruin it-- thus the puffy throat ruffles.  Oh well, you can't have it all! 

Owen the little man.
 Oh and I made myself a matching skirt.  And earrings.  
 My cute Kate.
We had a really happy Easter, reflecting on what the Resurrection means to us.  I am so grateful for my body and that I can live again, with my family, FOREVER. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed with your sewing skills!!! and I love owen's little suit, I need one.
