Friday, March 30, 2012

CA day 3- Blessing Day

Sunday was Owen's, and his cousin Jenna's, Blessing Day! It was so neat for him to be blessed by Eric, along with his Uncles Kent, Phillip, Derek, and Jonathan, his Grandpa Jamie, Great Grandpa Wallwork and Great Grandpa Hansen, Great Uncles Jeff, Von, Royce, and Mark. Eric blessed Owen to be healthy and to be able to find joy in all situations. He blessed him to gain wisdom and knowledge, and to serve a mission to bring souls to Christ. Then he blessed him to know that the greatest way to find joy in this life will be to find a woman to marry in the temple :). It was very sweet.
Here's the boy in his SO cute blessing outfit- Thanks Grandma Mary it turned out perfect!
smiling at his mama
Owen the chub and Jenna the dainty pretty little girl!
so glad I got to do this with my sister!

Eric and his boy
blessing day family pic

After Church Sunday we had a big fun lunch before Allison and Katrina and their families and Derek had to leave. Then we spent some quality time with my aunts and uncles and grandparents, and went to Jonathan's missionary report fireside- a cool tradition that my home ward does. It was cool to hear more of his experiences, he's so funny.
And then Monday morning we went home! Both of the drives were long with all the stops to feed Owen, but the girls got to play at tons of parks so they were happy! And they watched movies and we read Magic Treehouse books. Owen was so, so good and only cried for a few minutes a few times in the car.
Overall this was such a great trip! Can't wait to see everyone again!


  1. i loved reading all this and hearing the weekend from your perspective and seeing your pictures. SO glad we all got to be there! oh and you should direct donny and christine to your blog so they can read it too!

  2. What a beautiful family you have! I love that picture with the two babies and sleep in the same position. Too cute!
