Tuesday, April 3, 2012


a few Whitney funnies I've been meaning to record: (and some from Kate too)

she says "inside outside" for "inside out"

before Owen was born one time she told me "you're making me have contractions!"

she uses the phrase "until Jesus comes again" a lot when she's upset, as in "I'm never going to do what you say until Jesus comes back!" To her it means some long-distant, unknown time.

She's been saying lately "Owen is cuteing up the earth" or He's cuteing up the car, or the house, or wherever we are, or the whole universe! But with her pronunciation it's hilarious, "He's cute-in up the ohth"

When we stopped for lunch in Barstow on our trip, the girls reactions to the toy they got in their happy meals were hilarious. We sat down to eat and Katelyn told me "When I saw those ponies (in the display) I whispered to myself, 'I want the yellow one' and it came true!" and Whitney said " When I saw those ponies, I burst into flame!" Burst into flame? really?? She's said that a few times since, like "I was about to burst into flame when Owen was smiling" so apparently spontaneous combustion is a positive thing in her mind! :)

Also Katelyn said to me the other day that I kept using her seat in the car as a "car shelf"- aka there was stuff in her way.

1 comment:

  1. Love all these comments! Keep writing them down for all of us to enjoy. Love your kids! :)
