Sunday, July 25, 2010

4th of July in Hiko- the land of my forefathers :)

I realized I never posted anything from this event! I took the girls to my extended Hansen family reunion in Nevada for the 4th of July. Eric spent the weekend with his fam because I promised him he never had to go to hot, hot Hiko and hang out with a bunch of strangers again. :) Okay so he didn't have a terrible time before (twice), he just wasn't excited about it so I let him off the hook. Anyway, the girls had a blast, they got to see their COUSINS and grandparents and aunts and uncles and great-grandparents and sleep in a tent and swim in the hot springs and do crafts, play games, watch fireworks, so many fun things. I just love that it's a relatively short drive (4.5 hours) to see my family there. And I really do love Hiko, we used to go there every-other summer growing up, it was our big family vacation. I have many good memories there, and I learned so much about my ancestors there. It's a beautiful, special place to me. So we had a good time.
Here we are at the hot springs, Melissa took some very cute pictures, as usual! She got this cute one of Whitney, who kept trying to kiss me for some reason. :)
and this one of Donny with his nieces, I don't know what my girls are worried about in this picture!

then we had fun doing crafts with Aunt Jenae, I guess I didn't get any pictures of Aunt Melissa!
the girls and their cousin Natalie about to shoot off these water rockets, you can see them holding the strings-
and then they pulled the strings and this was their reaction when the rockets shot up!
silly girls sticking their heads out of the "drink hole" in the tent
all my immediate family who were at the reunion
The girls just love all their uncles! They are so fun, especially when Dad's not there to play with them. Here's uncle Donny,
and Uncle "Fop" (now she says "Fehwup") and Aunt Katrina
Katelyn crying in her blanket because she was afraid of the fireworks....30 minutes before the show started! She fell asleep soon after this picture, so she was okay.

In contrast, Whitney LOVED the fireworks!! Here she is while watching them.
My parents with their 4 grandchildren!
I love the ranch.
The next day (Monday the 5th) we went to the hot air balloons and parade in Provo with Eric, so we still had some good little family time for the holiday.

1 comment:

  1. too cute! so glad we got to see you. hopefully the trip to grammy's will be just as fun =o]
