Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Countertop Project

My birthday present to me this year was new countertops! and for only $59.70, 8 hours of labor, many hours of waiting for coats to dry, and a week of having everything that's usually on the kitchen and bathroom counters sitting somewhere else, we went from this teal, pink and gray masterpiece:

to this black bottom layer....
and then to this! As Whitney says, duh- DA!
Okay so I didn't do "light enough taps" with the color sponges, so it definitely doesn't look like granite... but it still looks cool and we like the change. Eric teases me that it looks like camouflage "oh no, I can't find my hand!" ha ha. very funny.
Anyway I'm glad to be DONE and I'm pretty happy with my new counters!


  1. wow! I would never be that brave! it looks great!

  2. I love the look of your countertop! Can't wait to see it tomorrow. You guys should post it on HGTV! :)

  3. they look supper cool! Good change.

  4. Bec! That is so awesome! If you would have just put up a picture and said you got granite I would have totally been fooled. Way to go!!
