Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Girls Camp!!

Have I mentioned how much I love being in Young Womens?? It's the best ever. I went to Girls Camp for a night and 1.5 days and loved every minute of it. Thanks again Mary and my wonderful husband for letting me go!
Here's a few of my cute girls at dinner.
And here's our impromptu chimney sweep dance troupe of 28-year-old leaders- I love these girls! Jodie and Jenise are always up for a good time. And the fact that they love Newsies, and Jodie can quote it as well as I can (very impressive) made for quite the exciting night. The young women thought we were a little crazy!
all packed up, in front of the cabin. Fun activities, such a great testimony meeting, the outdoor cooking show with Buella and Juanita, and of course lots of crafts, singing, and eating chocolate-covered cinnamon bears, and beautiful nature. Love it.

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