Saturday, May 15, 2010

Katelyn's Dance Recital

We decided a few months ago to let Katelyn try a dance class. She has loved it! But we will probably have her try some other things now and she can do dance again in a few years if she really wants to. It seemed like there wasn't a huge difference in skill level between the 3 year olds on up to the 7 year olds, just a better ability to follow directions! Which she was the best in her class at! So we're going to try a music class in the fall instead of dance.

Katelyn before the recital in her costume- so cute but also so 2-year-old-ish! Her long legs sticking out :)
Whitney was so funny, she asked me at least one hundred times "where katie go?" And once she saw her on stage the first time and then they went off, she FREAKED out. Then after every other class danced she cried again because she didn't see Katelyn. I'm glad she loves her, but it was a bit ridiculous. Here she is crying:
Katie after the show
Whitney ran up and gave her a big hug....
... and the held hands the whole way home.
Here is Whitney dancing during the competition team's performance, she LOVED all the music and dancing, she would only cry when each song was OVER.

Here is Katelyn's class doing their first dance to "Hephalumps and Woosels" from Winnie the Pooh. I was DYING laughing the whole time because only Katelyn and one or two other girls were actually dancing! Katelyn's in the back at first, doing a great acting job looking around, and then she ends up on the very left end. So, so funny.
part 1

part 2
There was another dance too, but it has taken SO long to load these that I'm not putting it on. She did really good in that one too. What a fun night!


  1. Katelyn you are beautiful! Good job dancing! :)

  2. dang it !!!!!!!! i forgot!!!!!! ugh so sad that would have been priceless!!!

  3. that was so awesome! i love the picture of the girls holding hands in the car. what a sweet heart. and i wish i could have seen all the other little girls just standing there the whole time while katelyn tried to follow the teacher ha ha ha way to be katelyn!
