Sunday, August 2, 2009

what we've been up to...

Okay so we had some computer problems and got a new computer, and then the last week I've been busy/lazy and haven't posted. So here's a few new posts for ya'll. (Sorry, am I allowed to say that? I've never lived in the South so I don't know if I've earned the right :) )

Anyway here's the girls enjoying the fresh fruits and vegetables of summer. MMM. I love summer! katelyn got ridiculously messy eating cherries the other day. She is the queen of messy-faced and -handed eating.
Whitney eating peas with scraggly hair (see the end of this post). She figured out she could pick them herself, how fun! We've loved our peas and will definitely plant twice as many next year! That will be one of my favorite memories from this summer. picking and eating peas as a family most evenings for a few weeks.
I took the girls one day and drove to Ephraim to see my good friend Rachelle that I hadn't seen in 8 years! She was there for a family reunion, she lives in Idaho. We grew up together and she was one of my best friends in high school. I just love her and her family and it was SO GREAT to see her and just talk for a couple of hours. We still have so much in common and life is good. I love seeing old friends.
After seeing Rachelle we stopped at the Manti temple. It was hot but the girls liked it. The best part was when we were sitting on the grass in the shade for a minute and looking up at the temple. I told Katelyn that it's so peaceful at the temple because it's Heavenly Father's house and you can feel His Spirit there. She looked up for a minute at the windows and was like "which room is Heavenly Father's?" so sweet. I told her that it's probably the highest one, and that he lives in Heaven and just comes to visit this house and all the other temples. :)

We went to the Orchard Days parade and Katelyn had a good time even though she refused to go out into the street when people would throw candy. Whitney LOVED it of course, especially when some floats and trucks were throwing out frozen OTTER POPS, her favorite treat ever! She went crazy over the horses and would dance whenever there was music.
And, I was quite the haircutter this week. I trimmed Kate's hair, accidently cut Eric's too short (not my fault, he handed me the buzzer with a #1 on and I thought it was ready to go! 5 seconds later it was too late and we had to do the whole thing that short) and gave Whitney her first hair cut! It was cute but a little scraggly before:
Here she is mid-cut, what a squirmer!!
and the finished product. I'm just happy that now it's closer to being all one layer on the bottom, so as it grows it won't be so scraggly again. And I did a little bit of an A-line, it's funny.


  1. That's so sweet about the temple. And I'm sure Eric is eternally grateful that you didn't post a picture of his haircut. It'll grow back quickly.

  2. Love the quotes! And the girls' pictures are adorable. I need to get my kids in soon.

  3. I think you might have the cutest kids EVER! I love reading about your little family :) I really want to come visit you sometime! We're really not very far away from each other!
