Monday, August 3, 2009


Yes, that's right folks, I got all this stuff for only 11 dollars and 79 cents.
Yes, I went to 2 different Albertsons stores today to do it. But I had to go to Provo anyway, so I just stopped at Albertson's in Spanish Fork on the way and did their current deal "buy $30 of these certain products and get $15 off your next shopping trip", then went to Provo and got another deal "buy 8 of these Kelloggs products and get them for $1.67 each" and now I'm going to send in my $10 rebate request to Kelloggs for buying 10 of their products. Ask at your grocery store for details about the Fuel for School rebate from Kelloggs! I also used coupons for almost every item that I've been getting in the paper or printing off of Love that website! If you live in Utah you can use this passport to get into the lists where they match up coupons with sales at stores: g84ctm. If you don't live in Utah you can still get good coupons from their main page. I also used some double coupons from Albertsons to get my amazing deals.
True it took me a couple of hours to plan this shopping trip- figuring out what I could buy that we would actually use and what I had coupons for. But that was fun, it's like a game, see how cheap you can get things for! Don't worry, I'm not turning into a crazy couponer, but every once in a while a great deal comes along that I can't pass up!
So I spent 21.79 total today and once I get my rebate check it will be only 11.79 for 26 items, 14 of them cereal (workin' on my 3 months' supply). That's about 45 cents an item people! Woo- h00!!
Go to this link for info about the next rebate I'm excited about! Most of the items on the list aren't things I normally buy, but hey, if they're essentially FREE, then I'll try some! Especially ones I have a coupon for so I actually MAKE money on the deal... :)


  1. You did great! I just started couponing so one day I'll be as good as you!! :0)

  2. Woohoo! This is right up my alley -- nothing gets my adrenaline pumping like deals and coupons! Thanks for passing on the advice for the super cool deal and websites :)
