Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh how the months go by...

Whitney will be 15 months old in a couple of days and she's growing up fast! She can say several words: mom, dad, dog, down, done, whoa (when she sees something cool), juice, and sometimes cheese and she's tried to say bear and ball. I love it that she's following directions really well, trying to help me clean up and give stuff to Katelyn. I know she can understand so much of what is going on. She is a cutie cutie and she smiles and laughs easily. She dances around when she gets excited about something, which is often. And she loves books, baby dolls, and anything Katelyn is doing. This video shows her new favorite accomplishment, climbing up the ladder and going down the slide by herself. Katelyn didn't learn this until she was much older, but we also didn't live here until she was much older... I still think she wouldn't have gotten it this soon. Whitney is more daring, and it probably helps that I don't hover around her quite as much as I did Katelyn. Anyway, good times. Oh and I love how katelyn hugs her at the end of the slide, and how Whitney almost bumps into the swing. She is SO clumsy, it's hilariously cute. Even a couple of teenage boys in our ward have told me they like to watch her in church! She walks out into the isle a little and then comes back in too quickly and falls almost every time.
One more thing- Eric's been building us a new deck, so in the evenings we play outside while he works, it's fun. We'll post pics of the deck soon.

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