Saturday, February 28, 2009


So Eric was actually getting after me about only having 2 posts this whole month, and I decided I'd better repent fast.  In my defense it's been in the 40's and even 50's the last 2 weeks here and we rediscovered our backyard.  Plus Eric and I have been reading the Left Behind series and watching TV shows on hulu after the girls go to bed, so my nighttimes (a normal blogging time) have been taken up.  Oh and Katelyn has only been napping about twice a week. :(   Anyway, Whitney learned to crawl and pull herself up to stand!  And screech loudly for attention or when Katelyn takes something away from her.  Which has been a problem lately.

This shows her in her "pegleg crawl" position.  She sometimes bends one knee and keeps the other straight to crawl, it's hilarious.
The other night Katelyn's cars went to a restaurant.  Here they are in their shoe "chairs" around a "table".
Since Whitney's been standing occasionally I wanted to take a picture of them standing together- it kind of worked.
Also, Katelyn's been making up a lot of words lately.  A few examples:
"slobbity" as in "I don't want to eat one it will make my throat slobbity"
"yoshi" as in "my apple is yoshi"
"pouched" as in "the chair pouched my arm"
and many others I forgot to write down.  
And to our delight, she has started spelling out things whenever she sees words.  Most commonly on food packages and clothing.  Like the other morning I heard her saying "2,5,o,z, smiley face, 1,L,B, 9,o,z"  She was reading the bottom of a cereal bag and the smiley face was a parenthesi.  Then she spelled out Tootie Fruities.  It's been really fun, and we've been trying to help her sound things out.  So now she's also always going around saying "What does firetruck start with? fuh-fuh-F!" She can do all the easy letters that only have one sound.  So cool!  But I have major problems with our crazy language!!! How do you justify some things starting with C, others with S or K??  I guess I needed to be an english teacher so I could understand.  But it's ridiculous.  I asked Eric a few spelling rules-type questions and he was like "that's why we have spelling bees and they don't in other languages."  True!  Ours is the only dumb non-phonetic language. It's going to be hard to teach her all the crazy words.

Basically it's been a fun month!


  1. great job on your post! I love it!I especially love hearing about the cute things they say and do. Please email me some of these pictures! I really love the one of them standing together.

  2. I love them standing up together! So darling!

  3. Cars going to a restaurant and using shoes for chairs is a great idea! I will have to pass that one on to Henry. I'm sure it will inspire him for at least a week! I also agree that the English language is impossible to teach to kids, and I'm the English teacher. I have no idea what I'm doing! I swear, just when I get done explaining why the A in "made" says a long A sound, they throw in a word like "have." Explain that one! SO inconsistent! How on earth did English get to become the international language? May heaven help us teach our children! :)

  4. Your kids are SO darn cute!!! I love all the cute words Katelyn is saying! And do you have the Leapfrog "Letter Factory" video?? If you don't you should totally get it for her- my mother in law got it for Davis and he was totally spelling his name, spelling things on all boxes at the grocery store, etc. when he turned 2. Its a really cute video. Also, when you get around to really trying to teach her to read, I have this great book that I've been using to teach Davis with- about 15 friends independently gave me the same recommendation before I finally went and got it- and its amazing (and cheap- yeah!). There are 100, 15 minute lessons that you do with your child and then at the end of the 100 lessons, they are at a 2nd grade reading level. The best part is that there is absolutely zero prep time for mom! I'm in love...

    Anyway, sorry to blabber on and on. Your children are beautiful, you are an amazing mom, (and I love that you are the YW sports director- they couldn't have dreamed up a better person!!). I so wish that I lived close so we could let our kiddos play and we could go on a nice long run together.
    Tiff :)

  5. Cute post. It's fun to hear the cute stuff. By the way the book that Tiffany suggested is what I have been using to teach my children to read also. (We homeschool.) I started Afton, who is 4yrs old, on it this year and she is really taking off. Its phonetic based. Spelling . . yea, now thats a fun one! There is a cute song about the letter C I found.

    The “C” Song
    (Tune: ”Oats, Peas, Beans”)

    There‘s a letter we all know.
    A copycat from head to toe.
    It borrows the sounds of s and k.
    What do you think the others say?
    Poor little c, you have no sound,
    Better check the lost and found!
    Does anyone know the sound of c?
    I wonder what its sound could be!
    ~Cherry Carl

  6. Rebecca! I don't know if you guys have heard about this or not... I just heard about it on the radio today and HAD to let you know...

    Thomas and Friends live... coming to the E-Center March 12.

  7. Both your girls are so cute and I too love to hear all the funny little words I remember when it was you Tiffany, Allison and Krista singing and making up words and songs together.
