Monday, February 2, 2009

Peekaboo and Please

Two exciting things have happened around here the last few days. First, Whitney started playing peekaboo, as pictured in the video. SO CUTE, especially since Katelyn never did that I'm pretty sure. A great reason to have more than one child, you get to see things you missed on the first! You can also see her in her favorite sitting position in the video- from there she reaches out until she's in crawling position and then sits back up, effectively grabbing things and scooting a little at the same time. Fun, and crazy! I'm okay with her not crawling for now though, Katelyn's definitely going to go nuts and probably die when Whitney can crawl and "take all her stuff." Nothing will be safe, her little world of having things how she wants them will be over! Any advice for how to smooth that transition??

The second exciting thing is that after months of working on Katelyn saying please and using a calm voice instead of freaking out or demanding things when she wants them, the last few days have been full of the sweetest little voice saying please and making reasonable requests (most of the time) and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard! All of a sudden the other day it was like she got it, and I am encouraged that even if it took about a thousand times of saying "please ask nicely" or "say please" or "calm down and use words" she is finally getting it! Does that mean it will take 1000 times of sitting on the toilet to learn how to use it too?? :(


  1. don't worry, it won't take 1000 visits to the toilet!! and seriously, i need to read that book!!

    my nieces are adorable!

  2. yes It might take 1000 times! so start counting and perhaps you will see that potty training doesn't actually take forever.

  3. Darling, W! I can't get over how happy and excited babies can be. And awesome about K.

  4. Your girls are so adorable :) My sis's triplets are 7 months and they already reach over and grab toys from each other! :) Benjamin just started working in Provo some days of the week. We'd love to see y'all soon- I could go up to Provo with him sometime and we could come visit you when he gets off work :)

  5. the 27th sounds great! Benjamin works, but if you know about what time you could come over (we're right by the temple) he can try and ask to be off :) Let us know.
