Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beautiful Day!!

Today was a beautiful day!!!!

It was 50 degrees outside in the sun, when the wind wasn't blowing.

Katelyn peed in the toilet TWICE.  Hooray! (and had 3 accidents, all in 2 hours.  we're just getting started.)  She called Eric to tell him and instead of telling him what she did she just said "dad, I'm a big girl."

I laid Whitney in her crib for a nap while she was still awake, and she SMILED at me, talked to herself for a while, and went to sleep without crying!  Never happened before!

I actually felt the sun on my face for 2 hours!

I found a few of my little tulip plants starting to make their way up out of the ground... 

The girls were both asleep by 8:30!!!

The flowers Eric gave me for Valentine's Day are still looking beautiful.

A great day.


  1. Isn't it great when they start enjoying taking a nap? Caleb *loves* his crib, especially rolling around with the blanket and cooing to himself as he rests.

  2. you did have a beautiful day! and your blog makeover is cute! hope to see you soon sister!

  3. I love the new blog template. You have such a cute family and you are such a beautiful girl!
