Saturday, February 28, 2009


So Eric was actually getting after me about only having 2 posts this whole month, and I decided I'd better repent fast.  In my defense it's been in the 40's and even 50's the last 2 weeks here and we rediscovered our backyard.  Plus Eric and I have been reading the Left Behind series and watching TV shows on hulu after the girls go to bed, so my nighttimes (a normal blogging time) have been taken up.  Oh and Katelyn has only been napping about twice a week. :(   Anyway, Whitney learned to crawl and pull herself up to stand!  And screech loudly for attention or when Katelyn takes something away from her.  Which has been a problem lately.

This shows her in her "pegleg crawl" position.  She sometimes bends one knee and keeps the other straight to crawl, it's hilarious.
The other night Katelyn's cars went to a restaurant.  Here they are in their shoe "chairs" around a "table".
Since Whitney's been standing occasionally I wanted to take a picture of them standing together- it kind of worked.
Also, Katelyn's been making up a lot of words lately.  A few examples:
"slobbity" as in "I don't want to eat one it will make my throat slobbity"
"yoshi" as in "my apple is yoshi"
"pouched" as in "the chair pouched my arm"
and many others I forgot to write down.  
And to our delight, she has started spelling out things whenever she sees words.  Most commonly on food packages and clothing.  Like the other morning I heard her saying "2,5,o,z, smiley face, 1,L,B, 9,o,z"  She was reading the bottom of a cereal bag and the smiley face was a parenthesi.  Then she spelled out Tootie Fruities.  It's been really fun, and we've been trying to help her sound things out.  So now she's also always going around saying "What does firetruck start with? fuh-fuh-F!" She can do all the easy letters that only have one sound.  So cool!  But I have major problems with our crazy language!!! How do you justify some things starting with C, others with S or K??  I guess I needed to be an english teacher so I could understand.  But it's ridiculous.  I asked Eric a few spelling rules-type questions and he was like "that's why we have spelling bees and they don't in other languages."  True!  Ours is the only dumb non-phonetic language. It's going to be hard to teach her all the crazy words.

Basically it's been a fun month!

I love to see the Temple!

Okay I can't get these pictures to switch spots.  Anyway, I wanted to post church stuff together.  First, I have been the Young Women's "Sports Director" for a couple of months now, and it has been so fun!!  This is my basketball team, sporting the sweet headbands I made them.  I sewed on different things each week if they won or lost, and for some reason they loved it.  Our last game was today, and we ended 1-3 but it was fun.  I love young womens and I know it's my destiny to serve there someday!  I'm okay with not going to mutual and girls camp right now though with my young children.

We went to the Draper Temple Open House yesterday, and it was wonderful!  The temple is gorgeous inside, all this beautiful wood and paintings, and the Celestial Room is SO SO tall it feels like you can really see up to heaven, it's amazing.  The girls did great and we were so happy that Katelyn could see the inside of a temple.  She won't remember it when she's older, but she'll at least remember it for the next few months.

me and Whitney waiting to go in- love her big bottom lip!
Katelyn in the tunnel before we went in, she was SO excited!  She had been really excited for a few days.  She was actually quiet most of the time inside, so I don't have any good quotes from her.  But it was great.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beautiful Day!!

Today was a beautiful day!!!!

It was 50 degrees outside in the sun, when the wind wasn't blowing.

Katelyn peed in the toilet TWICE.  Hooray! (and had 3 accidents, all in 2 hours.  we're just getting started.)  She called Eric to tell him and instead of telling him what she did she just said "dad, I'm a big girl."

I laid Whitney in her crib for a nap while she was still awake, and she SMILED at me, talked to herself for a while, and went to sleep without crying!  Never happened before!

I actually felt the sun on my face for 2 hours!

I found a few of my little tulip plants starting to make their way up out of the ground... 

The girls were both asleep by 8:30!!!

The flowers Eric gave me for Valentine's Day are still looking beautiful.

A great day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Peekaboo and Please

Two exciting things have happened around here the last few days. First, Whitney started playing peekaboo, as pictured in the video. SO CUTE, especially since Katelyn never did that I'm pretty sure. A great reason to have more than one child, you get to see things you missed on the first! You can also see her in her favorite sitting position in the video- from there she reaches out until she's in crawling position and then sits back up, effectively grabbing things and scooting a little at the same time. Fun, and crazy! I'm okay with her not crawling for now though, Katelyn's definitely going to go nuts and probably die when Whitney can crawl and "take all her stuff." Nothing will be safe, her little world of having things how she wants them will be over! Any advice for how to smooth that transition??

The second exciting thing is that after months of working on Katelyn saying please and using a calm voice instead of freaking out or demanding things when she wants them, the last few days have been full of the sweetest little voice saying please and making reasonable requests (most of the time) and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard! All of a sudden the other day it was like she got it, and I am encouraged that even if it took about a thousand times of saying "please ask nicely" or "say please" or "calm down and use words" she is finally getting it! Does that mean it will take 1000 times of sitting on the toilet to learn how to use it too?? :(