Monday, August 25, 2008

Olympic Quiz

Please decide if each of the following statements is True or False for you, in order to determine the similarity or difference of my Olympic experience from yours:

1. I stayed up WAY too late every night for the past two weeks watching the Olympics.

2. I got up too early several times to watch the Olympics.

3. I watched three or more Olympic events online.

4. I got angry when someone who had already seen who won an event spoiled it for me while I was watching it on primetime.

5. I almost cried/actually cried EVERY time an American won a gold medal and they played our national anthem, and I can't even blame pregnancy/postpartum hormones anymore.

6. I enjoyed synchronized swimming more than I thought I would.

7. I gave my husband a 10 minute lesson on how pass a baton when both American 4x100 teams dropped theirs.

8. I became an even bigger Kerri Walsh/Misti May-Traener fan when I found out they are both dying to have babies.

9. I now consider myself an expert on gymnastics scoring.

10. I was/am tempted to buy the Opening Ceremonies on DVD.

11. My child watched so much Olympics that she started having her cars and animals do flips on the couch and her bath toys jump off the bathtub faucet and flip and splash into the water, followed by thunderous applause.

12. My child had numerous learning opportunities from the Olympics, such as pointing out the "K" on the marathon gold medalist from Kenya's chest, and recognizing the "grand old flag" everywhere (I sang her that song once and it stuck- that's what she calls the American flag).

13. I loved watching handball and badminton, two sports I'd never seen before, very cool!

14. I am going to have Olympics withdrawals, it's a good thing football season starts this week or I don't know what I'd do!

Yay for the Summer Olympics, see you in London in four long years!


  1. 1true. 2false. 3true. 4true. 5false. 6true. 7false (although I'd like to have that lesson sometime:) 8-I didn't know they wanted kids. 9false-I never did bother looking it up. 10false. 11false-I think it all was a bit over Caleb's head. 12false. 13false-I'll have to check those out sometime. 14false-I'm actually a little relieved that it's over.

    Got it all straight ;)

    I ended up watching the women's and men's marathons and was surprised at how into the commentary and things I got. And, really, how do they run that fast? 2 and 1/2 hours for the women and just over 2 hours for the men? Crazy! What's your personal best, Rebecca?

  2. first of all let me just say that michael phelps is my inspiration. and shawn jhonson is my hero! and lol i cried last night when it was all over... : (

  3. i spelled shawn johnson wrong. the way i just spelled it is the correct way haha.

  4. That was a good summary of how I felt during the Olymipcs, although I don't think I watched quite as much as you :) Those atheletes are seriously inspiring! Thanks for the fun list :)

  5. Okay, I loved that!!! that had me laughing... several items actually! Isn't the Olymics great! I'm so sad I wasn't able to watch more of them this year (I've been getting up at 4:45 to go running... ouch! Ü) I've been dying that I didn't have TVO (is that how you spell that??) this week so I could watch it during nap time!!

    Love you Rebecca!!

  6. So this pretty much summed up my Olympic experience. We were living TV-free during the summer, but I don't think we turned off the TV during the Olympics. Unfortunately, we only got to watch the first week because we were driving across the country during the second week. Boo, I missed most of the track and field stuff. :( But hooray for the internet!

  7. man eastern time is rough. the only olymics i got to actually watch was in CA. we don't have tv, and most things started at like 11 our time. but i do love the olympics and kent and i agree that we need to find a way to see more next time. fun post rebecca! you are an awesome blogger!!!

  8. So true, here, Rebecca! I knew it was bad when Addie was walking around singing the NBC olympics theme song.
