Monday, April 15, 2024

Hansen Reunion Activities Galore!

Donny and Christine planned such a fun reunion!  Here's me and Eric kayaking on the private pond. and Owen and Caleb shooting Donny's guns!
Maris being cute relaxing with Eric, and looking at flowers.

Da Boys! Owen got to hang out with Boy cousins at last!  Caleb, Ryder and Seth. He's lucky to have them!
Fun times with little cuties! Katelyn was having an intense conversation with Mei and Mallorie about some book they found at the cabin.  Can't remember what it was about- animals or something? And here's Whitney playing with Audrey at Donny and Christine's new house- their yard is huge! and they are doing a great job fixing it up.

A little bit of Idaho scenery from my run one morning- a pheasant was chilling by our van, and the Tetons were pretty in the distance.
The boys had fun inside too- they played lots of card games!  And all the kids played pool- here's Maris, Seth and Nathan
This was just such a party.  Classic kid memories. The cabin had a private pond with this dock and all these kayaks and paddle boards- so fun! Here's Evelyn, Maris, Caleb, Ryder, Justin, Lydia, Hazel, Jenna, Seth, Spencer, and Owen getting loaded up at the dock.
Grammy was brave and took kids out on a kayak!  This is Adelaide and Nathan. I took Mallorie and Emma.  And taught Mallorie how to paddle- she loved it!
The 4 oldest boys on their paddleboard, and the 4 "middle girls" I'm calling them- Evelyn, Maris, Jenna and Lydia. They played out there for hours!  We had rotating shifts of adults on lifeguard duty.
I brought leftover cinch bags from my day camp for kids to decorate with sharpies! I wrote Hansen Reunion on them, and they were a hit! The foosball table downstairs was also a hit. 
We had some bananagrams time, and The little girls played "Adventure Club" or something like that (Emma, Claire, Mallorie and Hazel- so cute!)

And we pushed the two long tables together for a huge (17 person!) rousing round of the Picture Game! 
During the picture game, Eric was hanging out with Derek and Phillip, and Nathan made a treasure hunt for him, it was super cute.
This was the last breakfast, everyone just eating and chatting. So many chill, good times.
And here's Owen with his bag- it was incredible!  He drew all these various Star Wars ships, mostly from memory!  So cool. But he wasn't excited that I was interrupting whatever he was doing to take a picture. :)

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