Monday, August 20, 2018

Owen Jan-Jun 2018. You are not allowed to be so big yet!!

Owen loved ice skating lessons too!

 And once again, the out-of-order pics from our Spring Break trip.

We didn't do the delicate arch hike, but we saw it from afar! :)

Owen is a big fan of s'mores!  And, as with all treats, we joke that he can really "hoark them down". LOL he devours treats way too fast!

 There is a double-O arch in the background.
 Owen was probably the most excited about the dinosaur tracks and petroglyphs we saw!

 Owen with his early birthday present from grandma and grandpa-- super nice kid golf clubs!

 Owen, Whitney, and Eric had fun playing Oregon Trail a couple of times back in Jan/Feb, it was cute and hilarious.
 Owen's 6th birthday!  Such a big kid.
 He wanted a Sports birthday party. A little difficult in the winter, but we pulled it off!

 His friends were cute but a little wild!  We've never had so many boys in our house before lol.

 We played a bunch of different sports!

 And did an obstacle course, and had cake and ice cream.

 Once he had his birthday money, Owen had enough saved up to finally buy himself a tablet!  He's wanted one for a long time, but we said he had to be 6 and he had to save up enough to buy one himself!  So now he can be like the big girls and enjoy an hour of electronics every day haha.  He has done well with not getting too attached though; yay.
 excited about Aunt Jenae's treats from Chile.
 100th day of school- he made a 100 Lego shirt haha.
 From facebook: Tonight was Owen’s turn for a Mom Date! We saw Little Red at the SCERA, it was so fun. They got a lot of laughs out of Owen=success! And I got a lot of laughs from our conversations in the car and while eating ice cream. Owen is hilarious. My favorite quotes from him tonight: “I wish I was a cheetah so I could run faster than a car.” “I wish I had hands sticking out all over my body, that would make it really easy to do push-ups. But then it would be hard to wear clothes, I would have to cut all these holes in them. And it would look weird.” Yep, my mom was right about the Six Year Old Sillies! I love my boy so much. #theaterforyoungaudiences #onlyboy

 And we got ice cream of course.
 One day in March the kids introduced Emma to playing outside!  Notice not all of the snow had melted!
 Cute Easter pics with his flowery sisters LOL
 dyeing Easter eggs.
 We have aquarium passes this year!
Playing with Emma- he is super cute with her.

Lego town at it's height, before we took it down so Eric could start framing the rest of the basement!
Owen, exhausted after he rode his bike 3 miles on a hot day while I ran. :)
Owen with the cute door sign we made for his teacher. :)  He helped me write things she had taught them on the raindrops. So she was the sunshine, she gave them knowledge in the form of rain, and they bloomed!  Owen really did have an excellent kindergarten year.  Ms. Andersen was strict and had lots of cute routines and they did a lot of fun science and history, so I was thrilled! They sang a lot and did cute art projects. And he went from a 1st grade reading level at the beginning of the year (thank you UPSTART preschool!) to a 3rd grade reading level at the end of kindergarten!  So even if a lot of that was thanks to his 20 minutes of reading at home every night and not much that his teacher actually did, I was still plenty happy with his academic progress for the year.  He would have loved to do more math, and faster, but that's okay. :)  He also made a bunch of friends, had at least 2 girls who had crushes on him, and learned to be okay being away from home. Happy/sad!  He is okay going over to other people's houses now and is more friendly with adults than he used to be, which are both good things!  I am proud of his social progress from kindergarten.
cute new soccer player haircut, again.
He had fun playing t-ball.

Kindergarten graduation!  Cutie.
He's on the second row from the top, kind of in the middle.  The songs they sang were adorable.

I love my little boy!  He doesn't want me to hug and kiss him all the time though-- and I discovered physical touch is not his love language, so I guess it's okay for him to grow up.  I'm going to keep hugging and kissing him every day though!  (btw- Quality time and words of affirmation are his #1 and #2 on the love language test.)
enjoying a treat in the car after graduation, while waiting for the girls to get out of school.  Last time with just the 3 littles!!  In the summer we have everyone, and now he is going into first grade=all day school= I just have 2 little girls at home!  Once again, it's happy and sad.
more t ball.

visiting my great grandparents' graves in Payson on Memorial Day.
Owen the dragon at Maris' birthday party lol. He had fun.

Owen and his twin cousin Jenna- teamwork!
Ancestor trip- Salt Lake Valley.
at my Great-Grandma Lee's grave.
yay for the big kid Owen!

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